Literature Review

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The topic I looked up was zoning and exclusionary zoning. Because zoning is a broad topic, I figured if I had trouble, I’d use exclusionary zoning as a search subject. The book I found for zoning is called Housing America: building out of a crisis. I think this will be a terrific book to look at because it talks about all kinds of housing barriers, not just zoning. This book is a collection of people’s writings about housing problems in America and has a wide range of topics (Holcombe & Powell, 2009) . The journal article I found is about exclusionary zoning and called “The Politics of Exclusionary Zoning in Suburbia” by Michael N. Danielson. I thought this article looked interesting because it deals with the complexities and politics of zoning laws. I found this article on JSTOR (Danielson, 1976). The next article I found was from the Hartford Courant that was about exclusionary zoning in Hartford and racism in the housing market. This article is from 1994 but can still be related today (Kauffman & Writer, 1994). The last thing I found was a website, which happened to be an article from Boston College. This article is about exclusionary zoning and is called “Abolishing Exclusionary Zoning.” It discusses the issues of exclusionary zoning and also a program to abolish it (Liberty, 2003).





Holcombe, R. G., & Powell, B. (2009). Housing America: building out of a crisis. Independent studies in political economy. New Brunswick [N.J.]: Transaction Publishers.

Danielson, M. N. (1976). The Politics of Exclusionary Zoning in Suburbia. Political Science Quarterly, 91(1), 1–18. doi:10.2307/2149156

Kauffman, M., & Writer, C. S. (1994, June 27). A COLORBLIND SOCIETY MAY BE NAIVE VISION DESPITE GAINS, PREJUDICE EXISTS Series: Reacting to Race in the Suburbs: [STATEWIDE Edition]. Hartford Courant, p. A1. Hartford, Conn., United States. Retrieved from

Liberty, R. (2003). Abolishing Exclusionary Zoning: A Natural Policy Alliance forEnvironmentalists and Affordable Housing Advocates. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 30(3), 581. Retrieved from