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In his article In Hartford, A map To A Better Way Of Life, Kovner discusses the city’s mapping of nuisance complaints and whether it will lead to more stability through change. Using statistics, the city has mapped out nuisances to aim to bring resources to these areas (Kovner, 2011). This article relates to the idea of income inequality and segregation. Working to improve areas with more issues, which are mapped in lower-income areas, may help bring people to these places and disperse the wealth a bit more. Using the ERIC database, I found an article about Housing Barriers Over Time. While the focal city of the paper was Houston, Texas, I thought maybe it would relate to situations in Hartford. The abstract brings up both residential segregation and housing discrimination as central barriers (Bullard, 1990). I would like to use a website I easily found to understand the paperwork, language, and process of permits, land use, and city planning in current times (City of Hartford: Department Services- Planning Division). I had more trouble finding a book in the catalog online. I think it would be easier to meet with a library aide or go find the books in physical person to see if they havewhat I am looking for. In the end, I found one via the catalog about Zoning and housing costs that discusses land use and housing prices (Sagalyn & Sternlieb, 1972).


Bullard, R. D. (1990). Housing Barriers: Trends in the Nation’s Fourth-Largest City. Journal of Black Studies, 21(1), 4–14.

Department of Development Services – Planning Division. (1924). Retrieved September 21, 2012, from

Kovner, Josh. (2011). In Hartford, A Map To A Better Way Of Life. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from,0,904682.story

Sagalyn, L. B., & Sternlieb, G. (1972). Zoning and housing costs: The impact of land-use controls on housing price. New Brunswick: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University.

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Nicole Sagullo

Nicole Sagullo is in her third year at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. She studies Education and Psychology with a minor in music. She has done research in the Psychology Department at Trinity as well as at the School of Education at Boston University.