Ex E: Housing Mobility Data Methods

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Exercise E: Examine our data sources and describe methods our seminar can use to try to answer this question:

Project 3: Did Connecticut urban residents who received housing choice counseling move into better neighborhoods, and how is this goal defined?

a) Mobility Data (individual moves for clients who receiving housing mobility counseling in CT; masked for confidentiality; some data may not be usable; requires clearer data labels), provided by Erin Boggs from CT Open Communities Alliance

b) Mobility App tool with Census 2010 tracts and Opportunity Index 2014 data, provided by CT Open Communities Alliance

c) Opportunity Index 2014 data by census tract, provided by CT Open Communities Alliance, and Methodology, provided by Scott Gaul

Note: Your instructor also may provide Census income data and tract map for year 2000.

Focusing on sources A, B, and C, describe methods or steps that you would use to try to answer the Project 3 question. Working solo or with a partner, write no more than 300 words, due Tuesday April 7th by 10pm via Google Docs (share with jackdrty@gmail.com).


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