Literature Search

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In order to get started on my research for Essay 1, I decided to look for sources that will help with my writing. The first is “Urban Space, Restrictive Covenants and the Origins of Racial Residential Segregation in a US City, 1900-50” (Gotham, 2012). I chose this because it will be important to give historical information on the roots of racial segregation in relation to restrictive covenants in US cities. I plan on relating this information to what we have learned in class about Hartford.

The second source I found is an article titled “Uncertain Neighborhood Effects and Restrictive Covenants” (Hughes and Turnbull, 2012). I chose this article, from a book, because it will be helpful to understand the neighborhood effects of restrictive covenants in cities besides Hartford.

The third source I found is titled “A Renewed Crackdown on Redlining” and was published in the BusinessWeek magazine (Benson, 2011). I chose this because it shows that some cities are still experiencing the effects of redlining. The article speaks about how neighborhood members banded together in order to fight the authority, which will be interesting to read.

My last source is from the Encyclopedia of Chicago website, and it is simply a definition of the term “blockbusting” (Hirsch, 2012). We learned about this term in class but I plan to write about it in Essay 1 so it is important that I get more background information before writing.



Benson, Clea. “A Renewed Crackdown on Redlining.” BusinessWeek: magazine 5 May 2011.     Web. 21 Sept. 2012.

Gotham, Kevin Fox. “Urban Space, Restrictive Covenants and the Origins of Racial Residential     Segregation in a US City, 1900–50.” International Journal of Urban and Regional     Research 24.3 (2000): 616–633. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.

Hirsch, Arnold R. “Blockbusting.” Encyclopedia of Chicago 2005. Web. 21 Sept. 2012,     http://

Hughes, Jr., and Geoffrey K. Turnbull. “Uncertain Neighborhood Effects and Restrictive     Covenants.” Journal of Urban Economics 39.2 (1996): 160–172. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.

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Kerry McCarthy

Kerry McCarthy is a senior at Trinity College and from Andover, Massachusetts. She is a double major in Educational Studies and Sociology.