Percent Housing Stock Meeting CT Statute 8-30g

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In this map, I tried to represent Connecticut Statute 8-30g. Basically, this statute discusses Affordable housing, land use and appeals procedures. (CT Dept of Economic and Community Development, Affordable Housing Appeals, 2010 ( Affordable housing, under this definition, also includes people eligible for section 8. Section 8 authorizes the payment of rental housing assistance to privately owned residences. I believe in Connecticut tenants do not have to pay more than 1/3 of their gross income. Organizations like The Connecticut Fair Housing Center are dedicated to “ensuring that individual choice, and not discrimination, determines where people live in Connecticut…” and that people are not discriminated against for their housing. A common form of “housing discrimination” is Red-Lining. Red-lining describes the practice by which banks mark red line on a map to delineate the area they will not invest (including but not limited to housing.) Discrimination like this does not allow people who are financially struggling to receive affordable housing.

Below is my map:

Published by

Carlos Velazquez

Trinity College Class of 2014. Educational Studies Major. Concentration: Race, Social Class and Social Relations in Urban Education.