Exercise 6

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Sheff Movement Coalition “Forty Years of Project Concern and Project Choice” (2008) from Trinity College on Vimeo

As said in the video clip above, Project Concern was “one of the first ‘interdistrict’ programs in the United States.” After the ruling of the Sheff v. O’Neill case, it was renamed Project Choice. Through this program students who lived in the Hartford area, were able to attend schools in the surrounding suburbs. In the clip, several individuals were interviewed, including students (past and present), parents and project staff, on how they felt about the program. Most of the interviewees were adults who had been students during the start of the program.

African American children in front of school bus

Although one of the interviewees expressed feelings of fear, as she had cried on the first day, the majority of the interviewees felt that being in this program was advantageous. None of them ever felt threaten as they went to school; on the contrary they recalled that the white students “welcomed them with open arms.” In all the interviewees felt that being apart of this program, even if they did not complete it, had left a huge impact on their lives.

Exercise 4

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Maximum Density for Multifamily Housing (units/acres)

This map is representing the maximum density for multifamily housing in the Hartford area. The dark red represents the ares where there was no data provided. As for the other areas, the darker the shade of green, the higher the maximum density and the lighter the shade of green, the lower the maximum density. With the exception of New Haven, the darkest shaded areas are at the center of the map. The areas with the lower density are mostly in the north and the south, surrounding the areas with the higher numbers

How to Lie with Statistics

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Both of the charts have the same data, but look very different. There is a difference in the size of the lines, making it seem that each chart represents different data. In reality the charts only have a difference in the y axis. In chart one the percentage goes from 40% to 80% and in chart two the percentage goes from 10% to 100%