Just Write {3}

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Today I assisted my students with a writing assignment. (EDU 308 students, I adore learning with you; you will always be my students.) It has been a long time since I have written, as an exercise that is. It turns out I have issues writing, lots and lots of issues. My thesis is at a […]

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Just Write {3}

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Today I assisted my students with a writing assignment. (EDU 308 students, I adore learning with you; you will always be my students.) It has been a long time since I have written, as an exercise that is. It turns out I have issues writing, lots and lots of issues. My thesis is at a […]

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Just Write {3}

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Today I assisted my students with a writing assignment. (EDU 308 students, I adore learning with you; you will always be my students.) It has been a long time since I have written, as an exercise that is. It turns out I have issues writing, lots and lots of issues. My thesis is at a […]

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Just Write {3}

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Today I assisted my students with a writing assignment. (EDU 308 students, I adore learning with you; you will always be my students.) It has been a long time since I have written, as an exercise that is. It turns out I have issues writing, lots and lots of issues. My thesis is at a […]

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How to Take ‘Better’ Photos With a Cellphone Camera

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A cellphone camera is an awesome and convenient tool under the most ideal circumstances. The problem is that recording life does not come with ideal conditions.  Here are a few tips to ‘fake’ the ideal when capturing pictures for blog posts. “All of the Lights” Scan the environment you are taking photos in and locate […]

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