Literature Search

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In his article In Hartford, A map To A Better Way Of Life, Kovner discusses the city’s mapping of nuisance complaints and whether it will lead to more stability through change. Using statistics, the city has mapped out nuisances to aim to bring resources to these areas (Kovner, 2011). This article relates to the idea of income inequality and segregation. Working to improve areas with more issues, which are mapped in lower-income areas, may help bring people to these places and disperse the wealth a bit more. Using the ERIC database, I found an article about Housing Barriers Over Time. While the focal city of the paper was Houston, Texas, I thought maybe it would relate to situations in Hartford. The abstract brings up both residential segregation and housing discrimination as central barriers (Bullard, 1990). I would like to use a website I easily found to understand the paperwork, language, and process of permits, land use, and city planning in current times (City of Hartford: Department Services- Planning Division). I had more trouble finding a book in the catalog online. I think it would be easier to meet with a library aide or go find the books in physical person to see if they havewhat I am looking for. In the end, I found one via the catalog about Zoning and housing costs that discusses land use and housing prices (Sagalyn & Sternlieb, 1972).


Bullard, R. D. (1990). Housing Barriers: Trends in the Nation’s Fourth-Largest City. Journal of Black Studies, 21(1), 4–14.

Department of Development Services – Planning Division. (1924). Retrieved September 21, 2012, from

Kovner, Josh. (2011). In Hartford, A Map To A Better Way Of Life. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from,0,904682.story

Sagalyn, L. B., & Sternlieb, G. (1972). Zoning and housing costs: The impact of land-use controls on housing price. New Brunswick: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University.

Exclusionary Zoning: Unequal Opportunities

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According to Whitten, a West Hartford City planning and zoning consultant in 1924, zoning is “the direction of building development along orderly and well-considered lines of city growth.” At this time, the Zoning Commission of West Hartford claimed that without regulation chaos would occur and zoning prevents waste.

“Exclusionary zoning” includes any practices that may prevent certain populations from being able to live in a specific area. Historically, this has pertained to racial mistreatment and fear of heterogeneity in social spaces like neighborhoods and schools. It is still prevalent today in terms of socioeconomic status and income inequality. This links directly with access to schools and opportunities for socioeconomic advancing.

While zoning is a necessary part of city planning, “exclusionary zoning” occurs and begins to widen gaps of socioeconomic classes by limiting opportunities. Segregation by race and income has been reported as a result of population density regulations through zoning. Researchers at The Brookings Institution analyzed statistics of Housing Costs, Zoning, and School Access to address this vary issue. The statistics are pressing. Near high-scoring public schools, housing costs average 2.4 times the prices around low-scoring public schools. Buying a more expensive house has become directly correlated to buying access to schools. Looking directly at test score gap (measuring the difference in percentile ranking between low and middle to high income), the Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford Area came in second to all national metro areas. Hartford ranked 4th in terms of economic segregation that uses the percentage of students that would need to relocate for equal distribution of students in each school. [2] The map included  is from the Brooking Institution; it has an interactive feature to explore test score gaps based on income or race, income inequality, economic segregation, housing cost gap and school ranking. The map seen here highlights economic segregation in the Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford area, illustrated by the size of the circle. Beneath the map, charts illustrate racial composition, income composition, and school ranking by race and income, respectively. School rankings for middle/high-income are over twice as high as low-income areas. This is a very real depiction of income affecting opportunity for equal education.

[1] Robert Harvey Whitten. West Hartford Zoning: Report to the Zoning Commission on the Zoning of West Hartford. West Hartford, Conn: Zoning Commission, 1924 (courtesy of the Connecticut State Library)


[2] “Interactive: Housing Costs, Zoning and School Access | Brookings Institution.” Web. 17 Sept. 2012.



Housing Stimulation

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The housing stimulation was interesting to me, especially when considering interest rates and mortgages. In the end, interest paid was almost 3 times my annual gross income. Then, to look at school districts after selecting houses was very discouraging. First, I found some nice houses (as assessed via pictures) and with accommodating space for a family of four. One house I particularly liked was a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom home in Hartford on Osten Blvd. It fit in my price range ($249,900 asking) and had the space I needed. I found it harder to find a home in the suburbs close enough to my job in Hartford, seeing as I don’t have a car. Also, public transport is not usually available the suburbs. I used school digger and to look into school districts, and I found Hartford and East Hartford districts surprisingly low ranked in terms of teacher: student ratio and test scores. Avon had incredible rankings, however, homes in that area were too expensive and too far to commute to a job in Hartford. West Hartford public schools showed promising statistics, and while homes were affordable close to there, it would still be a commute. In the end, this simulation illustrated to me the outrageous rates of interest to consider when taking out a mortgage, the importance of school districts and available public schooling, and proximity to job opportunities. To live in the suburbs may provide security, seclusion, and better schooling. However, costs of living (groceries, rent, etc). and commuting (gas, car, etc.) should be taken into serious consideration. Income inequality may lead to inequality of educational access, which becomes a serious issue in terms of individuals attempting to improve their lives with the resources their given.