Final Web Essay options for Fall 2013

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Each student must select their final web essay option at the Wed Dec 4th seminar from among the eligible choices on the Google Spreadsheet.

1) If you choose to rewrite your CTHistory essay, follow the original guidelines AND add a detailed paragraph at the end to explain how and why you revised your work.

2) If you choose to rewrite your DataViz essay, follow the original guidelines (with password-protection for your post) AND address comments from the community partner in your visualization and essay, AND add a detailed paragraph at the end to explain how and why you revised your work.

3) If you choose to rewrite your Op-Ed essay, follow the original guidelines AND add a detailed paragraph at the end to explain how and why you revised your work.

4) If you choose to write a Junior Research Plan for a Senior-Year Research Project on any topic broadly related to this seminar, follow these guidelines from the Ed Studies website and write approximately 500-750 words.

5) If you choose to write an essay on Dec 4th Task Force hearing for, see their invitation on the Google Spreadsheet and write approximately 750 words.

6) If you choose to create a new DataViz essay on a new question, follow the original guidelines (no need to password-protect your post unless you use restricted data), and be sure to clarify your question at the top of your 500-word essay.

Final web essay due on WordPress (category = Final Web Essay 2013) due at end of Wednesday Dec 11th, in place of final exam.

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