2014 Proposal

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Research Question:  What are the positive and negative affects of attending a private vs. public school in regards to the college process? Does one have an advantage over the other? And what changes over time have made this question so prevalent in todays society?
Relevance: The debate between public and private education is one that is widely discussed in America. People often question if children will receive a better education if enrolled in private school but what defines “better education” or better school for a child. This debate often is associated with college admissions and the discussion of whether one type of school has advantages over the other. As a student who has attended both private and public schools I am interested in researching this question. I often wonder if college admissions do in fact prefer one school to the other.The comparison of private vs. public school is a newly established issue that I believe society has brought upon itself, I look forward to researching the social changes that have occurred that have influenced this new mentality of one type of school being better then the other.


Research Strategy: The question of whether private or public school has advantages over the other is something I have been interested since I first entered Trinity. Within my friend group a large majority of the people attended private schools, which happen to mostly be boarding schools. I want to research college admission websites and offices (I plan on going into the admissions office at trinity and speaking with someone). Thus far I have been on a few websites and read articles based on this topic and have found that many parents are concerned with where to place there children for high school. One major issue I want to research is people with lower socioeconomic status and there placements within public and private schools. These people are likely t have fewer options and may not have the means to provide there children with a private education which is unfair. A great method for my research will also be to look at college acceptances based on high schools. I have looked on both a public and a private school website and saw a list of schools their graduates have gone to. I want to compare the acceptances of the two. I want to understand how colleges look at private schools vs. public schools and eventually argue the somewhat unjust advantage of private school students that so many people feel is apparent.







“Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Last of 5 Parts.” The Choice Guidance Office Answers From Harvard’s Dean Last of 5 Parts Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.


“ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst.” Electronic Doctoral Dissertations for UMass Amherst. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.








2 thoughts on “2014 Proposal”

  1. As we discussed, you are shifting your RQ to one that still expresses your interests but fits better with the Ed 300 change over time writing assignment. You seem to be more interested in something like (feel free to modify the wording as you wish):
    How and why have elite colleges become more selective over time? (fill in the beginning and end points when you read more)

    Source strategies for this question:

    Look further at Google Scholar with keywords like “College admissions” and selectivity

    See also recent news stories (and archival) in ProQuest news database

    See also this recent NYT story (and look for similar ones with an historical emphasis):

    You spotted this book, and look at the Numbers chapter, but it also may lead you to richer sources:
    Stevens, Mitchell L. Creating a Class: College Admissions and the Education of Elites. Harvard University Press, 2009.

  2. But keep looking for a history of college admissions, and try Trinity WorldCat




    As we discussed, I suggest that you write another un-graded proposal and post online and email me when it’s there if you ‘d like ungraded comments

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