Create a practice WordPress post to prepare for the Ed Policy Journalism assignment
For step-by-step instructions with pictures, see instructor’s tutorial: How to publish a WordPress post on our course site
Quick summary:
- In the right sidebar on this site, scroll down to Meta > Log In, and use your Trinity username and password
- Go to Dashboard for this site > Users > Profile > to automatically display your full name
- Read and reflect on the Public writing and student privacy policy
- Go to Dashboard for this site, create a Post > New Post
- Write a title and add text for your practice post. Remember it will be public!
- Drag over any text and click “link” tool to insert link to another site
- Click Add Media to insert any image. Add a caption about its source.
- Select Category = [current year] practice post
- Publish your post, which should appear here on our public site
- Reminder: If you co-author an ed policy journalism post:
- write your essay together in a Google Doc that you can both edit
- select one student to copy and paste into a WordPress post
- Use “custom byline” below the editor window to list both of your names