What I Wish to Learn in EDUC 300

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As a history major, I am very interested in the history of the education system of America. Therefore, this class seems to fit perfectly in what I am interested. I hope to learn how the education system got to where it is now.  The main reason I want to learn this is because I want to be able to analyze potential ways to continue to reform and improve the education system. I hope to learn about the history and be able to apply it to the present and future.

In addition, I hope to learn journalistic writing and overall improve my writing skills. I am very excited about having to attend and critique a public event on educational policy. I think that it will be very interesting to view the current issues and problems that the education world is dealing with. Furthermore, I am excited to be able to relate it to the history of education reform.

One thought on “What I Wish to Learn in EDUC 300”

  1. Good to work with you this semester, and I’ll be interested to hear your perspective on how this course compares with other history courses you’ve taken at Trinity. Although several Amst majors have enrolled in this course, only a few history majors have done so, and perhaps you can help me think about ways to build more bridges.

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