When I first registered to this class, I remember me being excited about having my two intended majors within one course. Like, how awesome would it be to have education and mathematics in one course? It was crazy! Knowing that I wanted to be a math teacher was a huge indicator that this was going to be the course for me. I thought the whole course was going to be on us learning how to properly teach and then just teach. I thought we were going to be given certain topics to teach since we have to create lessons, it would only make sense to learn about how to teach.

I am very sad that this course was only once a week and we were able to only teach about three times. I feel like we should have done more teachings and had the class at least two times a week. This was by far my favorite education class because I was able to actually experience being a teacher. I was not just observing my classes, but I was teaching. I loved stepping into the classroom and seeing the kids learn. Although some were already done with us, many pulled through the last lesson. I loved seeing their interest bloom out of most kids, but it was not all easy.

This course was by far the most stressful of them all and the one that consumed most of my energy in a good way. I and my partner had to think of ways to get the kids interested in our lessons, so we had to think outside of the box most of the time. Our placement was a special one just because we did not have a topic and stone for us, which made it hard for us to actually create lessons on. Yet, me and him pulled through and couldn’t have asked for a better partner. I and Rafael did so well and we, in my opinion, grew the most when it comes to the lessons. We went from teaching very traditionally to teaching so abstractly, that it felt like we weren’t even teaching them.

I grew so much as an individual, that I do not even know where to begin. I started noticing my passion when it came to college. I want to do Public Policy and Law with some sort of concentration in Education. I saw about the many different inequalities that teacher pose on students and how we as people pose some inequities when it comes to our daily lives. Thanks to this course I am more aware of what I do and why I do things, which is why I want to change the education system. I am so passionate about education and being able to teach just increased my passion. I am dreaming so big right now, but I know I can do it. I want to change this education system as much as possible because I know it drastically needs changes.

Coming into the course I wanted to be a math teacher because I thought that with being a math teacher, I was going to be able to change the world. I know that with teaching you can change the lives of students and those students will change the world. Teachers have such a huge impact when it comes to the future, but I want to give teachers a better platform to change this world.

I loved the professors who taught this course and really wouldn’t ask for a better pair. I grew so much and I am very thankful that this course became a reality.