Tutoring at Park Street HPL–2015

The First week of the lab I arrived at the public library and I was told that I was in the wrong location. Fortunately the next week I was able to arrive to the correct destination which was located on Park street.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a room full of young kids doing drawings while some others were on their laptops. I immediately asked for Leticia Cotto, who would be my new supervisor. She promptly told me that the ESL lessons had not started yet (they would start in a week or so) but she told me to sit down regardless of that and view how the children were going about with their homework; I was very nervous, I still don’t know for what particular reason though. Meanwhile a man who had just arrived in Hartford was taking a basic English test to view and comprehend at which level he was at.

After many minutes went by I took a look at this test and was very surprised that his knowledge of English was close to nothing. At the time I wasn’t even introduced to this man and I was wondering how it would be to work with him in the upcoming weeks. I was sure that it would not be easy for me to teach this man but I was willing to do so. I was willing because I could tell that he really wanted to work and acquire the English language.

I am excited for how the rest of the semester will go and hopefully I will learn a great amount from this experience.  Hugo B.

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