Category Archives: Service Providers and Voluntary Organizations

Learning English–Loss of Status or Occupation and Starting Over

For this past semester, I have been working at Jubilee House. Throughout my placement, I have worked with a variety of students, although Pi Mu has been the most consistent. Coming to the United States is obviously going to be a very difficult affair. Whether it be due to a language barrier, inability to find employment, discrimination, inability to access resources and understand rights, or simple homesickness, there are many challenges that immigrants face. The immigrants and refugees at Jubilee House have come to learn English and utilize this great resource. They also come to Jubilee House to gain social capital, find a cultural broker, and make connections in their new homes.

Upon arriving in the United States, many find that their situation has completely changed, although this is not always positive. A number of the immigrants I have worked with have experienced a loss of status. One woman I worked with from Honduras, Bea, had attended university in Honduras and received a masters degree. Her current level of employment in the United States was not specified to me, but it is clearly below her education level. She has faced enormous difficulty getting her degree recognized here. As such, it is almost as though she didn’t attend school at all – all of that hard work and financial investment for essentially nothing. It is an unfortunate reality faced by many immigrants. This loss of status is not only evident in employment and perceived education level. It is also present in the level of independence held.

Unable to speak the common language, immigrants are isolated and incapable of accessing certain resources and agencies. The act of getting a drivers license, applying for and collecting food stamps, applying for a job, procuring an apartment, or even getting around can become incredibly hard tasks. For those with children who were either born in the United States or who have been able to pick up English easily, one’s identity as an ‘adult’ is somewhat challenged–another example of loss of status. The parents become, in a way, reliant on their children’s language skills in order to go about day to day tasks. For a great majority of my students, gaining back that independence is a primary motivator for learning English. The loss of status and place in society is a difficult, painful transition for many, and one that is incredibly common and prevalent. Niaill H.

Tutoring English Means Being a Friend Too–HPL

This semester, I volunteered at English language classes at the Hartford Public Library and assisted the English teacher in her course for beginners. I was able to interact with a lot of really interesting people who comprised the class, and were also recent immigrants in the United States. Most of the students were from Latin America, and spoke Spanish as a first language. The classes were really well structured and focussed on holistic education, so that students could practice reading, writing and speaking while they were there. More importantly, I got a chance to meet a large number of really interesting individuals with whom I had some long conversations with. This post will describe some of those conversations.

One of the first conversations I had was with Hugo, from Colombia, and Maria, from the Dominican Republic. Hugo arrived in Hartford around a year ago, and lives in an apartment on Main Street. His company, which processes coffee, sent him from Colombia to help with the marketing of their product in the region. They chose Hartford because of its large Hispanic population, which consumes that particular brand of coffee, and the city’s proximity to both Boston and New York for additional expansion. He seems to be very well off, and said that he currently holds a senior executive position at his company in Colombia. He says that he likes it here, and is looking forward for the next four years that he is supposed to live in the United States. He does mention, though, that had he been in a city with English as the dominant language, he would have found it easier to learn English.

Maria is a citizen of the United States, and had come here from the Dominican Republic around 12 years ago. Her level of English is really advanced, in comparison to the others in the class, but not good enough for the intermediate level class, that is also held in the library. She was mentioning about her recent visit to the dentist, and we began talking about health insurance. She said that she was lucky that she was covered under the insurance; otherwise, her bill would have been extremely high. She said that she was eligible for low cost insurance under Obamacare. She lives in Windsor, and drives to Hartford for the classes. She seems to be very culturally assimilated into the United States, probably because of the long time she has spent in this country.

Midonso is from Togo and is the only student in class who does not speak or understand Spanish. She speaks French, and her native language, Mina. As I am the only other person in class who speaks at least some French, I have had to explain many new words to her. Her learning rate is phenomenal, she can now communicate pretty well in English, albeit the difficulties she has with reading. What is surprising is that she is more than seventy years old, and still manages to attend every single class without fail. She lives in Hartford with her extended family. Her son is a part of the intermediate English class, and she comes to the library with him. Her whole family visits Togo every year to meet with old family friends and relatives. She says that being comparatively wealthy, her family is socially pressured to buy expensive presents for their relatives back home in Togo, and as a result going back is very expensive each year. But in spite of that, she says that she goes back because she misses life in Togo; the cold winter provides an additional incentive to go back as well.

The most important thing that I learnt from these interactions was that showing an interest in the lives of immigrants puts them at ease and helps them feel comfortable in the new environment of their host society. The amount of information that I got to learn from them made me realise the huge diversity that was present in the English classroom, and allowed me to identify with what immigrants think and made me realise the importance of the immigration process.  Chinmay R.

Tutoring at Park Street HPL–2015

The First week of the lab I arrived at the public library and I was told that I was in the wrong location. Fortunately the next week I was able to arrive to the correct destination which was located on Park street.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a room full of young kids doing drawings while some others were on their laptops. I immediately asked for Leticia Cotto, who would be my new supervisor. She promptly told me that the ESL lessons had not started yet (they would start in a week or so) but she told me to sit down regardless of that and view how the children were going about with their homework; I was very nervous, I still don’t know for what particular reason though. Meanwhile a man who had just arrived in Hartford was taking a basic English test to view and comprehend at which level he was at.

After many minutes went by I took a look at this test and was very surprised that his knowledge of English was close to nothing. At the time I wasn’t even introduced to this man and I was wondering how it would be to work with him in the upcoming weeks. I was sure that it would not be easy for me to teach this man but I was willing to do so. I was willing because I could tell that he really wanted to work and acquire the English language.

I am excited for how the rest of the semester will go and hopefully I will learn a great amount from this experience.  Hugo B.

Getting to Know the Kids at the Park St. HPL Branch Homework Club 2017

I have been to the Park Street Library twice to be a study buddy. My first time I reached the library at 3:10 pm, but there were not many kids as their school ended at 3 and they took some time to arrive. Then, when it was 3:30 lots of kids started showing up, and I went up to the kids to ask if they needed help. All of them refused. Most of the kids were shy, some of them didn’t even look me in the eye while I was talking to them. Finally, a kid named J. with his Math assignment and asked me if I could help him. I told him to sit beside me and I asked his name, he told me and I tried repeating it. But, I pronounced it wrong.  J. said: “Noo, it’s J.”. Then he started complaining about how all the kids in his school pronounce it wrong and there is a q in the end, and he also told me if he should just take out the q and make it J. I smiled at him and told him his name was unique and he shouldn’t change it. He smiled back at me. Then, we started the math homework. He told me how much he loved math and didn’t like any other subject. He was doing it homework on his own I was just supervising. He finished his homework and went swiftly to play games on the library computer.

My second time I felt more comfortable in the library.  Some of the kids recognized me and waved hands. That day was Valentine’s Day. There was a small event in the library for the kids. The kids had to write something nice for themselves on a heart shaped paper. There were many creative ones. One of the kids made the heart look like an angel with wings and was showing it off to everyone. After they were done writing, snacks were served, I helped the librarian to serve snacks to the kids. Then, one of the kids asked me to help her with English homework. It was a vocabulary assignment. She was struggling with the assignment, maybe because she wasn’t paying attention to the work, but anyway she finished her work and went to talk to her friend. Kishwor P.

Tutoring at Jubilee House 2017

In 1996, the late Sister Maris Stella Hickey bought a former convent house adjacent to the St. Augustine School in Hartford. The building was restored and opened to the public in 1997 as a community adult education and social service center. When I arrived at the Jubilee House, I was greeted by Sister Anne. She introduced me to the other tutors who were mostly older white women and former teachers. All of these women were paired with an adult student hoping to learn English. It seemed as though the majority of the adult students were women. For a while, I was idly waiting to be assigned a student.

Eventually, Sister Anne placed me with a Hispanic woman named C. C’s tutor was not present, so I was filling in. The first thing that C. asked me was if I spoke Spanish. I replied that I could speak some Spanish. Sister Anne gave me materials such as a teacher’s workbook and vocabulary flashcards. At first, I flipped through the vocabulary cards and asked C. to identify what each picture was. If she did not know a word, she would record it in her notebook. In addition, I also asked her to use the word correctly in a sentence. While I was tutoring C., I noticed that the demeanor of the other teachers with their students was much stricter than mine. C. and I joked around about the Super Bowl game and laughed about some of the obscurities of the English language. Everyone else in the room seemed intensely focused on their lesson. At 10:30, teachers and students took a fifteen-minute coffee break. I was unsure of where to sit, so I sat with C, and several of her other friends who all spoke Spanish. For the most part, C. and her friends spoke Spanish with one another and discussed their families. However, at many points they asked me questions in English such as where I attended school and where I was from.  It seemed that most of the other teachers were sitting together at a separate table.

After our refreshments, C. and I resumed our lesson. This time we discussed topics in her workbook and completed several preposition exercises. C. was better with vocabulary, but seemed to struggle more with grammar. Overall, however, C, was very eager to learn and we had a very productive session. Since it was my first time tutoring, C. showed me around the convent and instructed me on what is normally done during these sessions. Although I will probably be placed with another student in the next session, I appreciated C’s adaptability, kindness, and sense of humor.  Julia T.