Archive of Newsletters

Here are links to the complete set of ISEP Newsletters produced aperiodically between 1983 and 2000.  Short descriptions of the contents are provided as helpful guides, but these are partial descriptions.   They are NOT complete tables of contents.

Newsletter_1_1    July 1983   Includes description and program of ICPA 2 at Vanderbilt.

Newsletter_1_2   November 1983   Contains first installment of “News & Weather” [humor] and note on “direct perception” by Ed Reed.

Newsletter_1_3   March 1984    Program for upcoming spring meeting and abstracts from October 1983 meeting; reply to Reed from Stuart Katz; answer back from Reed.  Pittenger on “the grass is greener.”

Newsletter_1_4   October 1984   Abstracts of talks given at May 26, 1984, meeting at Trinity College — Carol Fowler & Mary Smith, Elliot Saltzman, Tom Stoffregen, Bill Warren, Joe Lappin.  Also, Stuart Katz reply to Reed, another installment of “News & Weather,”  paper by John M. Kennedy, and list of posters from May 26 meeting.

Newsletter_2_1    May 1985  Report on Fall 1984 meeting at Binghamton.  Poster list and short versions of presentations by Fowler and Pattee.   “Ecological psychology and Nuclear Exterminism” paper by Ed Reed and Bill Warren; books reviewed by John Pittenger.

Newsletter_2_2   October 1985  Full report on ICPA 3 in Uppsala, Sweden.

Newsletter_2_3   January 1986  Fall 1985 meeting at Trinity College — abstracts of philosophy presentations by David Blinder and Ruth Millikan, with commentary by Ivan Blair.  Art related presentations by Nathan Knobler, Margaret Hagen, and John Kennedy, with commentary by Ed Reed.  Interesting tidbits from The New Yorker.

Newsletter_2_4  June 1986  Report on May 23-24 meeting at Lake Forest College, with abstracts and poster list.  Bruce & Green reply to book review by Ed Reed in previous newsletter.

Newsletter_2_5  September 1986  Abstracts of Lake Forest presentations by Landwehr, Lombardo, Newell, Wade; News & Weather; reply by Bob Shaw to Reed & Warren in Vol. 2, Number 1.

Newsletter_3_1   March 1987  October 1986 meeting in Philadelphia.  Abstracts from Catherine Read, Stavros Valenti, Gene Goldfield, Peter Pufall, John M. Kennedy, Yosef Solomon, Gavan Lintern, William Noble, Chris Schmidt & Catherine Read.

Newsletter_3_2   August 1987  Atlanta meeting in May, 1987.  Abstracts from Todd & Reichel, Mark, Pittenger, Kelso, Scholz, Bingham, Poster list, News & Weather.

Newsletter_3_3   November 1987.  Report on October, 1987 Annual Meeting.  Description of ICPA 4, Trieste, Italy, summer 1987.  More abstracts from May 1987 Atlanta meeting — Shapiro & Eppler, Gottlieb, Johnston, Alley, Neisser.  From October meeting, H. H. Pattee.

Newsletter_3_4   June 1988  Meeting at Antioch College in May, 1988.  Program, abstracts, and group photo linked here, and here.  Abstract from Trinity meeting of October 1987 — Mingolla.  Articles by Bingham, Schiff, Ben-Zeev.

Newsletter_4_1_1989  September 1989  Description of ICPA 5 of July 1989.  Group photo at end.  Group photo also available here.  Descriptions of upcoming meetings.  Essay by John Pittenger on Multiple sources of information.  Essay by Sverker Runeson on Ecologically incomplete invariants.

Newsletter_4_2   May 1990  Description of Oct. 20-21 1989 meeting at Dartmouth.  Morning session devoted to the arts.  Summary of presentation by puppeteer Paul Vincent-Davis on issues of control of motions in hand puppets.  Bill Warren on optic flow.  McGowan & Fowler and Cathi Best presentations on speech perception.   Essay by Tom Stoffregen on multiple sources of information.  Reply by John Pittenger.  Description of lab exercise on grasping affordances by Bill Warren.

Newsletter_4_3   December 1990  Description of Oct. 20 1990 Annual Meeting.  Bootsma and Mestre summary of First European Workshop on Ecological Psychology, June 7-8 1990, Marseille.  Summary of talk at Dartmouth meeting by painter, Daniel Davidson (UCSD), on his paintings combining multiple styles in a single work.  Abstracts from May 1990 spring meeting at U of Illinois.  Poster list from Illinois meeting.   Essays by Pittenger & Runeson on Bozzi; and Ed Reed on Specificity and Information.

Newsletter_5_1   July 1991  Abstracts of talks from Oct. 20, 1990 Annual Meeting at Trinity College.  Represented here are Philippe Rochat, Rhonda Roland Shearer (sculptor), Steve Flynn & Tom Stoffregen, and Reinoud Bootsma.  Reviews by Naoki Ueno on Lucy Suchman; and Ed Reed on Westbrook’s John Dewey book.

Newsletter_5_2 June 1992  Description of ICPA 6, Free U of Amsterdam, August 25-30 1991.  Description of Sept. 23-24 UK conference on Situated Action by Ivan Leudar and Alan Costall.  Included is full program listing.  Descriptions of Oct. 19, 1991 Annual Meeting at Trinity College, Dutch meeting of Nov. 8, 1991 at Delft, German meeting of Dec. 14, 1991, U.S. spring meeting at Seton Hall on May 23, 1992.  Abstracts from Oct. 20, 1991 Annual Meeting at Trinity College — Bruce Kay, Dan Bullock, Philippe Rochat, Mike Muchisky & Geoff Bingham.

Newsletter_5_3 January 1993  “To Honor Eleanor Gibson” by Arlene Walker-Andrews.  Report on Oct. 16-17, 1992 Annual Meeting at Franklin & Marshall College.  Reprint of full proceedings from January 23, 1982 conference on “Ecological Psychology and Cognition” held at Trinity College.   Essay by James Jackson on nonlinearity and strategic decision making.  Full report by Raoul Oudejans and Lieke Peper on Nov. 27, 1992 Dutch meeting.  Listing of all Newsletters produced to date.

Newsletter_6_1 November 1993 Description of ICPA 7, August 8-13, 1993, Vancouver, BC. Description of Fall North American meeting, Oct. 15-16, 1993, Smith College.  Essay by Tom Stoffregen on “nonphysical” displays. Extended abstracts from Smith College meeting by Sanders, Pagano.

Newsletter_Serial Number 21   August 1994  Description of upcoming UConn conference focused on development.  More abstracts from fall 1993 meeting at Smith College — EJ Gibson, Anne Pick, and Nancy Rader; Mary Flesher, Darren Newtson, Robert Shaw, Geoff Bingham (with Romack and Stassen).  Description of EWEP 3, July 6 – 8, 1994 in Germany.  Description of Arthur Iberall book (still available from Bill Mace). Supplement by Robert Sommer about the Gibson and Barker couples.

Newsletter_Serial_22  April 1996     Circulated by email only. Version found to make available here does not show all that was promised in the Table of Contents at the beginning.   What is here includes essays by Greg Burton on the ecological definition of psychology and Tom Stoffregen on “the senses as fiction.”

Newsletter_Serial_23  January 2000   Circulated by email only.  Last known newsletter.  Mostly notices of forthcoming meetings.  Brief mention of ICPA 10 in Edinburgh, August 8 – 13, 1999.