Article Index for Ecological Psychology Volume 3 (1991)


Context and Animal Behavior I: Introduction and Review of Theoretical Issues
Donald H. Owings and Richard G. Coss

Context and Animal Behavior II: The Role of Conspecifics in Species-Typical Perceptual Development
Robert Lickliter

Four Ways to Reject Directed Perception
James E. Cutting

Task-Specific Dynamics and the Study of Perception and Action: A Reaction to von Hofsten (1989)
Peter J. Beek and Geoffrey P. Bingham


Infants’ Bimodal Perception of Gender
Arlene S. Walker-Andrews, Lorraine E. Bahrick, Stacy S. Raglioni, and Isabel Diaz

Social Affordances and Interaction I: Introduction
S. Stavros Valenti and James M. M. Good

Social Affordances and Interaction II: Autism and the Affordances of the Human Environment
Katherine A. Loveland

Observational Learning of Ballet Sequences: The Role of Kinematic Information
Jacquelyn T. Gray, Ulrich Neisser, Beth A. Shapiro, and Stephanie Kouns

Cognition as the Cooperative Appropriation of Affordances. Essay Reviews of Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context by Barbara Rogoff, and Cognition in Practice by Jean Lave
Edward S. Reed


An Ecological Critique of the Sensory Conflict Theory of Motion Sickness
Thomas A. Stoffregen and Gary E. Riccio

An Ecological Theory of Motion Sickness and Postural Instability
Gary E. Riccio and Thomas A. Stoffregen

The Perception of Self-Motion Induced by Peripheral Visual Information in Sitting and Supine Postures
Chizu Kano

An Acoustic Variable Specifying Time-to-Contact
Brian K. Shaw, Richard S. McGowan, and M. T. Turvey

Listening: The Perception of Auditory Events? An Essay Review of Listening: An Introduction to the Perception of Auditory Eventsby Stephen Handel
Wolf-D. Heine and Rainer Guski


Context and Animal Behavior III: The Relationship Between Early Development and Evolutionary Persistence of Ground Squirrel Antisnake Behavior
Richard G. Coss

Thermodynamic Reasons for Perception-Action Cycles
R. Swenson and M. T. Turvey

Child and Adult Sensitivity to Gender Information in Patterns of Facial Motion
Diane S. Berry