Article Index for Ecological Psychology Volume 1 (1989)



Going Somewhere: An Ecological and Experimental Approach to Development of Mobility
Eleanor J. Gibson and Mark A. Schmuckler

Visually Perceiving What is Reachable
Claudia Carello, Alexis Grosofsky, Francene D. Reichel, H. Yosef Solomon, and M. T. Turvey

Timing and Phase Locking in Cascade Juggling
Peter J. Beek

Neural Regulation of Adaptive Behavior An Essay Review of Neural Darwinism by Gerald M. Edelman
Edward S. Reed



On the Objects of Speech Perception
Randy L. Diehl and Keith R. Kluender

Real Objects of Speech Perception: A Commentary on Diehl and Kluender
Carol A. Fowler

When the Objects of Perception Are Spoken
Robert E. Remez

Cues to What? A Comment on Diehl and Kluender “On the Objects of Speech Perception”
Michael Studdert-Kennedy

Reply to Commentators
Randy L. Diehl and Keith R. Kluender


Attractiveness of Facial Profiles Is a Function of Distance From Archetype
Claudia Carello, Alexis Grosofsky, Robert E. Shaw, John B. Pittenger, and Leonard S. Mark

Visual Timing of Muscle Preactivation in Preparation for Landing
Ben Sidaway, Jill McNitt-Gray, and Greg Davis

Gravitational and Muscular Variables in Perceiving Rod Extent by Wielding
H. Yosef Solomon, M. T. Turvey, and Gregory Burton


Toward a New Theory of Vision Studies in Wide-Angle Space Perception
Gunnar Johansson and Erik Borjesson

A Dynamical Approach to Gestural Patterning in Speech Production
Elliot L. Saltzman and Kevin G. Munhall

Perception of Social Affordances by Children With Mild Handicapping Conditions: Implications for Social Skills Research and Training
Rick Van Acker and S. Stravos Valenti