Author Index for Ecological Psychology Volumes 10 (1998)

The number after a title is the page number.


Adolph, K. E. & Eppler, M. A. — Development of visually guided locomotion 303

Balasubramanian, R. — see Riley, M. A.
Beall, A. C. — see Loomis, J. M.

Carello, C. — see Kim, N.-G.
Coss, R. G. & Schowengerdt, B. T. — Evolution of the modern face: Aesthetic and attributive judgments of a female profile warped along a continuum of paedomorphic to late archaic craniofacial structure 1

Dijkstra, T. M. H. — see Sch–ner, G.
Durey, A. see Montagne, G.

Effken, J. A. — see Kim, N.-G.
Eppler, M. A. — see Adolph, K. E.

Gibson, E. J. — Introduction: Visually controlled locomotion and orientation 157
Gibson, J. J. — Visually controlled locomotion and visual orientation in animals 161
Good, J. — see Still, A. G.

Jeka, J. J. — see Sch–ner, G.

Kim, N.-G., Effken, J. A. & Carello, C. — Perceiving the severity of contacts between two objects 93
Kim, N.-G., Effken, J. A. & Carello, C. — Optical specification of time-to-contact for a spectator 128

Laurent, M. — see Montagne, G.
Lee, D. N. — Guiding movement by coupling taus 221
Loomis, J. M. & Beall, A. C. — Visually controlled locomotion: Its dependence on optic flow, three – dimensional space perception, and cognition 271

Mitra, S. — see Riley, M. A.
Montagne, G., Laurent, M. & Durey, A. — Visual guidance of goal – oriented locomotor displacements: The example of ball interception tasks 25

Patla, A. E. — How is human gait controlled by vision? 287

Riley, M. A., Balasubramaniam, R., Mitra, S. & Turvey, M. T. — Visual influences on center of pressure dynamics in upright posture 65

Sch–ner, G., Dijkstra, T. M. H. & Jeka, J. J. — Action-perception patterns emerge from coupling and adaptation 323
Schowengerdt, B. T. — see Coss, R. G.
Srinivasan, M. V. — Insects as Gibsonian animals 251
Still, A. & Good, J. — The ontology of mutualism 39

Turvey, M. T. — see Riley, M. A.

Warren, W. H., Jr. — Visually controlled locomotion: 40 years later 177

Index prepared by Greg Burton