Author Index for Ecological Psychology Volumes 11 (1999)

The number after a title is the page number.


Aitchison, C. –.see Van Orden, G.

Bardy, B. . — see Fouque, F.
Bootsma, R. — see Fouque, F.

Carello, C., Flascher, I., Kunkler – Peck, A. & Turvey, M. T.. — An evaluation of context effects in dynamic touch 189
Carello, C. — see Cooper, M
Carello, C — see Santana, M. – V.
Cooper, M., Carello, C. & Turvey, M. T. — Further evidence of perceptual independence (specificity) in dynamic touch 269
Cornus, S., Montagne, G. & Laurent, M. — Perception of a stepping-across affordance. 249

Fitzpatrick, P. — see Goldfield, E.
Flascher, I. — see Carello, C.
Fouque, F., Bardy, B., Stoffregen, T. & Bootsma, R. — Action and intermodal information influence the perception of orientation. 1

Goldfield, E. — Prosody during disyllable production of full term and preterm infants. 81
Goldfield, E., Schmidt, R. C., & Fitzpatrick, P. — The coordination dynamics of abdomen and chest during infant breathing: A comparison of full term and preterm infants at 38 weeks postconceptual age 209

Holden, J. — see Van Orden, G.

Kelso, J. A. S. — see Treffner, P.
Kim, N. – G. & Turvey, M. T. — Eye movements and a rule for perceiving direction of heading. 233
Kunkler – Peck, A. — see Carello, C.

Laurent, M. — see Cornus, S.

Montagne, G. see Cornus, S.

Podgornik, M. see Van Orden.

Russell, M. K. & Turvey, M. T. — Auditory perception of unimpeded passage. 175

Santana, M-V. & Carello, C — Perceiving whole and partial extents of small objects by dynamic touch. 283
Schmidt, C. L. — Adult Understanding of Spontaneous Attention Directing Events: What Does Gesture Contribute?. 139
Schmidt, R. C. — see Goldfield, E.
Stoffregen, T. — see Fouque, F.

Treffner, P. & Kelso, J. A. S. — Dynamic encounters: Long-memory during functional stabilization 103

Turvey, M. T. see Carello, C.
Turvey, M. T. see Cooper, M.
Turvey, M. T. see Russell, M. K.

Van Orden, G., Holden, J., Podgornik, M. & Aitchison, C. — What swimming says about reading: Coordination, context, and homophone errors. 45

Index prepared by Greg Burton