Author Index for Ecological Psychology Volumes 9 (1997)

The number after a title is the page number.


Amazeen, E. L. — The effects of volume on perceived heaviness by dynamic touch: With and without vision. 245

Burton, G. & McGowan, J. — Contact and psture in nonverbal judgment of gap crossability. 327

Carson, R. G. — see Steenbergen, B.

Foreman, N. — see Wilson, P. N.

Gillet, R. — see Wilson, P.N.

Hancock, P. A. & Manser, M. P. — Time-to-contact: More than Tau alone. 265

Mace, W. M. — In memoriam: Edward S. Reed November 20, 1954 – February 14, 1997 179
McGowan, J. — see Burton, G.
Michaels, C. — see Stins, J.
Morgan, R. & Rochat, P. — Intermodal calibration of the body in early infancy. 1

O’Brien, B. — see Schmidt, R. C.

Rochat, P. — see Morgan, R.
Russell, M. K. — Perceiving distances of nearby sound sources: An investigation of Marler’s canonical features of locatable sounds. 301

Schmidt, R. C. & O’Brien, B. — Evaluating the dynamics of unintended interpersonal coordination. 189
Smitsman, A. W. — see Steenbergen, B.
Sommer, R. — Further cross-national studies of tree form preference. 153
Stanton, D. — see Wilson, P.N.
Steenbergen, B., van der Kamp, J., Smitsman, A. W. & Carson, R.G. — Spoon handling in two – to four-year old children. 113
Stins, J. F., & Michaels, C. F. — Stimulus-response compatibility is information-action compatibility. 25

van der Kamp — see Steenbergen, B.

Wilson, P. N., Foreman, N., Gillet, R. & Stanton, D. — Active versus passive processing of spatial information in a computer-simulated environment. 207


Iberall, A. S. Nonlinear dynamics from a physical point of view. 223

Sanders, J. T. — An ontology of affordances. 97


Stoffregen, T. –Filming the world: An essay review of Anderson’s The Reality of Illusion 161
Swenson, R. — Evolutionary theory developing: The problem(s) with Darwin’s Dangerous Idea 47

Index prepared by Greg Burton