Publications of interest to the ecological psychology community

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New publication (2024) in Cambridge University Press Elements Series
Ecological Psychology
by Miguel Segundo-Ortin and Vicente Raja

Description of new paper from Geoff Bingham’s lab published in Experimental Brain Research Online First.  

Jeff Wagman and Julia Blau edited this book

Perception as Information Detection
Reflections on Gibson’s Ecological Approach to Visual Perception


We are very happy to announce that Routledge has recently published a new edition of our book (formerly What Matters?) under a new title: “A Meaning Processing Approach to Cognition: What Matters?”     —  John Flach and Fred Voorhorst.

This new edition is being published as part of the Resources for Ecological Psychology series.


Bill Warren, Karen Adolph, and Michael Turvey interviewed for Nature Machine Intelligence article on affordances


Motion sickness and VR  Tom Stoffregen news


This paper by Geoff Bingham’s former students and Geoff is already receiving attention in the popular press in the UK

A Dynamical Analysis of the Suitability of Prehistoric Spheroids from the Cave of Hearths as Thrown Projectiles

Daily Mail

Irish Times


APA’s Division 26: Society for the History of Psychology has selected as the best paper in its journal History of Psychology for 2015 — 

Alan Costall & Paul Morris for “The ‘Textbook Gibson’: The Assimilation of Dissidence.”

* For those of you who have difficulties following the link, the citation of this paper is: Costall, A. & Morris, P.  (2015).  The “textbook Gibson”: The assimilation of dissidence. History of Psychology, Vol 18(1), Feb 2015, 1-14.