Still something of a bouncing ball

I originally signed up for a Global Health course whose date was pushed to May. As a substitute, I moved on to a basic stats course, something I regularly teach, to see how it was done.  That turned out to be just too dull.  From there I tried a course on Social Network models which had real promise, but after a few lectures, I just wasn’t engaged. Finally, after trying a few lectures in Model Thinking and Intro to Mathematical Thinking, I settled on the Passion Driven Statistics course, now in Week 2. It is a very different approach to teaching statistics, and so far I have found it interesting. Lectures and homework are pretty basic so far, but that may change as time goes on. The value for me is to see a different teaching approach to a familiar subject and to see how one might do the subject in an online format.

We will see how it goes.

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