You get what you pay for

Well, I got my certificate for completing my Astrobiology course. If the link doesn’t work, a b/w version follows here. (I can’t get the actual picture of the certificate to show up on the post but it does seem to come up if you click on “Astrobiology certificate.”) Believe me, it’s SO MUCH more impressive in color.

It would never serve as a credential for anything — nor should it. But I will hang it on my wall with pride.

Astrobiology certificate



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1 Response to You get what you pay for

  1. I noted that you completed the digital course “with distinction” (congratulations!). But the fine print at the bottom clarifies that you never were enrolled at the University of Edinburgh, nor completed a credit-bearing course there, nor can they verify your identity. Thanks for posting the certificate, as I’ve never seen one like this.

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