1965 – 1967

Table of Contents 1965 – 1967

  1. Note on the Terminology of Distortion in the Experiment on Adaptation to Prismatic Spectacles
  2. The Comparison of Mediated Perception with Direct Perception
  3. The Physical Causes of Optical Textures
  4. Two Different Usages of the Term Information in the Study of Perception and Discrimination
  5. Four Related Problems in the Visual Perception Of Environmental Layout
  6. Rationale of a Current Series of Experiments on the Visual Perception of Superimposition
  7. Note on the Perception of Slant
  8. A Further Note on the Perception of the Motion of Objects as Related to the Perception of Events
  9. Note on the Theory of a Just Noticeable Visual Motion
  10. Tentative Plan for a Show of Displays to Illustrate The Structuring of Light by Nature and by Art
  11. The Stick-in-Water Illusion (Revised)
  12. The Development of Graphic Activity in the Child: A Theory and a First Experiment
  13. The Consequences of the Pictorial Attitude (First draft; approximately as read.For criticism only)
  14. Note on the Interpretation of Experiments Concerned with Perceptual Adaptation (For discussion in Perception Seminar, January 10th)
  15. A Note on Innate Perception
  16. Contrasting Assumptions of (A) the Classical Theory of Vision and (B) a New Theory of Vision
  17. Optical Occlusion and Edge-Information in an Optic Array
  18. Do animals have illusions? (Illusions caused by useless dimensions of sensitivity)
  19. What is Perceived? Notes for a Reclassification of the Visible Properties of the Environment
  20. Note on an Elaboration on the Distinction Between the Proximal and Distal Stimulus
  21. A Model for Controlling the Stimulus Information for the Perception of the Human Gaze Line
  22. Situations Requiring Different Types of Exploratory Ocular Behavior
  23. Note on Illumination and Space (Draft)
  24. SUBJECT: Ideas Worth Thinking About
  25. Conflicting Object Information on the Two Retinas and Conflicting Object Information on Opposable Areas of the Body