Sperry writing topic assigned

SPERRY WRITING ASSIGNMENT: This assignment is about separating facts from interpretations of facts. The distinction between fact and interpretation often runs into boundaries where the distinction is fuzzy, but it is especially difficult to keep the two straight in discussions of consciousness and the brain.

In Sperry, Zaidel & Zaidel (1979), the authors say, “On the basis of a wide variety of lateralized test performances we have long favored the view that the disconnected hemispheres in both animal and human subjects are separately conscious in parallel at a moderately high and approximately equal level (p. 153).”

Shortly thereafter, the authors say, “The results appear to indicate that the concept of self and general social awareness are both present and well developed in the disconnected minor hemisphere exhibiting a level of evolvement essentially comparable to that found in the language dominant hemisphere (p. 154).”

In part 1 of your assignment, using only the Sperry, Zaidel & Zaidel (1979) article, state as many facts as you can that they use to support the above claims. In a Part 2, say whether or not you thought Part 1 was simple or difficult and explain why.

I’m thinking 1000 – 1300 words in length again, but concentrate on carefully answering the question and don’t get distracted by word counts.

FYS 190 Syllabus