Final Question [Paper due Thursday, December 20]

Last week, I sent you, as an email attachment, 6 pages from a recent book called From Lucy to Language. The last two pages have brief comments about studying the evolution of language and the evolution of consciousness. The topics of language and consciousness have been interwoven throughout our course, from The Namesake forward.

Final Question: Do you think it is easier (“more realistic” or “more fruitful” are possible ways to say the same thing in different words ) to study the evolution of consciousness or the evolution of language? Use something you know from Whorf, Colapinto, Sperry, HM, and Johanson. Include in your argument the kinds of evidence (with examples) that are available in each realm.

Plan carefully to include as much as you can, efficiently. But keep the length between 1000 and 1500 words. Write out the references that you use (these should be about the same for everyone) using correct APA style formatting. Most of you have been doing this anyway.

FYS 190 Syllabus