Sperry related assignment for next tuesday

The assigned article by Puccetti is from a journal called The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. It is an example of what is called a “commentary” journal. People write a “target” article. Then specialists write brief commentaries on that target article. The commentaries are followed by a reply to all of the commentators from the author(s) of the target article. Thus you have a package of back-and-forth discussion that helps nonspecialists and specialists alike sort out the issues in a field. You get to see what is controversial and what is not. You get to see what evidence and arguments people use. Then you get all the key references on the particular topic. If you can find a collection of articles like this on a topic you choose to do research on, this is the most efficient way to begin your research because you get a sample of who the experts might be and what their positions are — all in one place.

Your assignment:

Each student is to read (1) the target article by Puccetti, (2) one commentary (assigned randomly below), and the reply to all commentators from Puccetti.

In class, next Tuesday (Oct. 30), you are to make a 5 minute presentation of the position taken by your person with respect to the target article. State by the end who you tend to agree with so far.

Eniana — Eccles
Max — Davidson
Chuck — von Eckardt
Angela — Wilkes
Kristin — Joynt
Emily — Anderson & Gonsalves
John — Margolis
Erica — Geschwind
Hannah — Marks
Sky — Bogen
Jenna — LeDoux & Gazzaniga
Justin — Robinson
Maika — Churchland
Chris — Green
Allie — Bradshaw
