Next Big Thing

Current Issues and Scientific Progress put Pressure on Technology and Human Pride

Nathaniel Thiemann



Just over a week ago on October 3rd there was a Connecticut Forum meeting at the Bushnell theatre to discuss the next big things on the horizon of science. This discussion focused on more than the next big technological advancement, it also addressed up and coming problems and concepts that scientists are trying to come to terms with. These problems included climate change, education reform, and much more. In accordance with the problems just listed, the rest of the discussion revolved around coming to grips with the limitations that prevent the scientific community from solving them. Inevitably the conversation always approached the question of how can we use science and technology to find solutions?

Think about the implications of that question, it’s not even a question that humans will turn to computer technology in order to address the problems of the future. Humans have become reliant on computers to process the huge amounts of data we generate. Science in turn has become inexorably linked to large data that is generated and analyzed by computers. While humans are currently a necessary component of data collection and analysis, the threshold for self-sufficient computers is ever approaching. One example of computers approaching self-sufficiency is Google’s driverless car, which appears to be very close to hitting public roads. However, as driverless cars and artificial intelligence continue to draw closer to reality there is one important factor to consider.

This important factor is the method in which we are teaching computers to collect and process data. Unlike humans, computers cannot analyze data beyond the parameters set in their code. That is to say they cannot apply salience to discrete observations they make that have not been made important to them by their code. This limitation is why humans are still a necessary cog in the data analysis that many supercomputers conduct today. Since humans are the ones programming/teaching these computers, an obvious syllogism can then be made. Given the fact that we still do not have a complete understanding of our own central nervous system, then we cannot program another entity to have something comparable to the human mind. At this point some may make references to recent work showing computers with the amazing potential to learn. However, while we continue to make great strides in computer programming and learning, we are also approaching the limit of our own human understanding.

How then do we address our shortfall of understanding regarding our own mind? To date most technological advances have come from humanity’s ability to observe, adapt, and overcome. The inspiration for much of today’s most advanced technology can be traced back to some source found in the natural world. The combustion engine has a 4 chambered design used to power a machine, which is analogous to the human heart. The internet and computers run on a feedback system that emulates the human brain. More examples could be made, but the point is we draw inspiration from our surroundings, and innovate it to suit our purposes. This process has been largely successful, as proved by the current luxuries that people today enjoy as a result of our ingenuity.



I think the solution to the conundrum of modeling an artificial intelligence lies in long term research of the human brain. We are advancing in our knowledge of the brain and technological capability almost daily. These advancements are working in tandem with each to further our understanding of the mechanisms that drive us and the world around us. In a way the process by which we conduct our research is becoming a feedback system itself. Once we have a question we get an answer, which then propagates another question. Sometimes the solutions we find to our questions may be unexpected, like potentially storing information in cellular DNA rather than flash drives to improve data storage. However, as I’ve already stated, many of humanity’s best ideas and inventions haven’t been intuitively thought up by someone. Therefore, we shouldn’t look to draw upon human intellect to solve our problems, but look at pre-existing systems in nature that we can innovate upon.

The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing Review

Amina Kureshi

The Bushnell recently hosted a forum to discuss “cutting edge technology and innovations that will change our lives” titled “The Next Big Thing”. Fareed Zakaria, global thinker, journalist, and author and Joi Ito, technology visionary and director of the MIT media lab consisted of the panelists. In terms of the progression of the role of technology in the future, we can envision technology being used to store information which would otherwise be rotely memorized by human professionals. For example, a physician can differ to technology for statistics and DSM criteria for illnesses. This would allow the physician more time to spend with the patient to do tasks which cannot be different to technology, and require human interaction, such as diagnostics. An important point was brought up about the uniqueness and complexity of diagnostics, which can only be reserved to the human mind. In order to teach students, a medical school professor at Yale University ensured his students learned to interpret artwork, as the skills apply to diagnostics as well. By passing off statistics, data, and concrete information off to technology, we are free to learn the skills which only our highly functioning brains can accomplish in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, the current education system, which rewards students on their ability to follow directions and demonstrate their knowledge based on standardized exams. Ito brought up an interesting point about his ideals for education focusing on the “four P’s”: peers, passion, projects, and play. This encourages creativity, self-motivation, problem based learning (projects), and peer-peer learning. The advantage of peer to peer learning is that it allows students to play the role of the teacher in one scenario and the student in another scenario, which reinforces learning. This type of education will create the future generations of workers, which will take advantage of the use of technology, to which concrete details would be attributed. Indeed, this gives merit to the Scientific American article titled, “Why Neuroscience Needs Hackers” which would require creative thinking which cannot yet be taken over by artificial intelligence.

Zakaria and Ito also had this to say about the future: true poverty, such as living on less than a dollar a day, will no longer exist (though it was always exist relative to other economic classes). In terms of populating Mars, Kakaria responded with the point that if we have the means to populate Mars, then we surely have the means to address global warming here on our home plant. However, the major obstacle in our way is affordably desalinating water but this cannot be done using fossil fuels, as it would consume too much energy. Therefore, an alternative source of energy must be used, one which can generate a lot of energy cheaply. This is where the ingenuity which will drive our development comes in to play.

Many various points were brought up such as the vagus nerve hypothesis, the meaning of humanity and its role in technology, and even genetic engineering. As expected of a forum, the discussion took us to many different places across the world, across time, and across disciplines. These forums will expose you to many new and different ideas and will cause you to question the direction of our future, and in that respect, it is worth it to attend these events. I would caution that this event does require your focus; if you are planning on attending a similar event, be sure that you have gotten a good night’s sleep, eaten and used the restroom before settling in to an interesting evening.

Douglas Coulter PhD

Tommy Hum-Hyder

Prof. Raskin

Neuroscience Across the Curriculum

September 30, 2015


Last week, Douglas Coulter, PhD, a Trinity alumnus, spoke about his research on epilepsy using epiflourescence imaging to monitor changes in voltage in areas of the brain. Dr. Coulter also spoke of the benefits of a Trinity degree, stressed the importance of taking a range of classes and interests, and always following your interests. Epilepsy is a blanket term given to the neurological disorder in which an individual has a seizure. During a seizure, the normal asynchronous firing of a neuron is interrupted with a period of abnormal, excessive, or synchronous firing of neurons. The resulting symptoms can range from uncontrollable jerking movements to a period of time in which an individual cannot respond to stimuli. The bulk of Dr. Coulter’s research focuses upon the role of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus or the amino acid neurotransmitter glutamate. Currently, the cause of epilepsy is unknown, so Dr. Coulter uses a mouse model of epilepsy and stains certain neurons and watches them fire to search for abnormal levels of neuronal firing or neurons firing in large accordance with one another. Presently, the direct mechanism of epilepsy is unknown; however Dr. Coulter has discovered a connection between decreased inhibition of GABAergic neurons within the dentate gyrus.

BIAC Internship: Weeks 7 and 8

We are officially five days away from the Walk!

These weeks are devoted to making sure the event runs smoothly.  Volunteers will be contacted with instructions for their assignments, we requested petty cash this afternoon, goody bag stuffing is arranged for later this week, and we gathered various items for the day of the event: banners, signs, shirts, hats, candy, face painting supplies, temporary tattoos, etc.  There is so much to do, and I am so thankful that Christina is in the office all the time to take care of things I can’t!

Christina and I are going to arrive at Rentschler Field at 7 AM on Sunday (that will be a fun day-after-Halloween!) and the rest of the staff will arrive at 8.  I still have to put together a contact list for exhibitors and others providing services or donating food at the event, so I have quite a busy day on Thursday as well.  The rest of the day on Thursday, we will pack up the supplies and make sure things are in order for Sunday.

I also just learned that we are probably going to miss out on around 100 registrants this year due to some large teams from last year that are not going to be present this weekend.  That’s a little disappointing, but we are all set on the financial side of things, so I’m sure it will be a great event nonetheless!

BIAC Internship: Week 6

This past week was spent largely recruiting past teams of more than 10 people.  Looking up past participants was actually a little difficult, because the goal was to get in contact with the team captain (so we had to find that person in the midst of all the other information).

I also put in the order for the sponsor board and the goody bags, so it took some time to find high-resolution images to send to both print companies.  I learned that EPS files are high-resolution, and many other common file types are not (learned this the hard way!).

Lastly, I sent out the final details for exhibitors and volunteers.  Organizing the volunteers was bigger project than I thought because there continue to be cancellations, and others have not expressed a need for a certain assignment.  We also need to train our  volunteers, so I created a schedule for their arrival on the day of the event that I’ll be able to work from.  I’m planning to add phone numbers for vendors and people crucial to the event.

BIAC Internship: Week 5

This past week at BIAC was a whirlwind!  And it was mostly due to needing to order shirts.

This year’s shirts will be “daisy,” “gold,” and purple (for volunteers).  Of course, it took Julie and I quite some time to decide on colors, and then I had to design a structure for the sponsors’ logos that were to go on the backs of the shirts.  I got some ad lib design experience, so that was a bonus 🙂

Then, we had many people register right before the October 9th shirt deadline.  So, recalculating the number of shirts we could guarantee was also a hassle.  The good thing is we’re over 120 online registrants.  Hopefully that’s due to some of my Facebook promotion posts (as well as forcing the BIAC board members to register haha).

Last week, Julie, Christina and I also visited Rentschler Field for a preliminary walk-through.  I met Ben Richards, the new contact person for our event.  We got along well; more and more I am realizing that it’s about who you know and forming solid business relationships with people.

This week, I’ll focus on putting together a volunteer check-in table, a list of things to bring to Rentschler on the day of the Walk, and other miscellaneous preparations for right before the event.

BIAC Internship: Week 4

This blog post will be relatively short because I have finished up my September tasks (right on time!) and will move on to October tasks this week.

This week, I met Christina, BIAC’s new Development Director.  As I mentioned in the recent lab meeting, she and I are going to work really well as a team.  She also has all of the knowledge and experience that I don’t have with things like corporate sponsorships.  I’m hoping that she’ll give me a few pointers on how to ask for money from places like Shoprite.

I now have a full list of volunteers!  The only people I have not been able to reach at all this year are the fraternity at the University of Hartford.  I’m sure I can reach out to a greek life house at Trinity that would love to help out to fulfill community service hours, though.

On that note, I’m sure I will have more questions or concerns next week after starting my October timeline!

Of Mice and Men and Girls and Autism

Khaoula Ben

With Trinity College currently celebrating 25 years of Neuroscience, there is no better time for us to have a neuroscience-focused school president. President Berger-Sweeney’s talk last Thursday revolved around the past 15 years of her research, during which she studied autism spectrum disorders in mice. When she first began her studies, rats were the more commonly used models, but she switched her focus to better understand the correlation of mice and human genomes. In order to be able to model a human disorder in an animal like a mouse one must tackle some if not all of the following characteristics and ensure that there is overlap: symptoms, genetics, chemical changes, brain anatomy, among others. Of course, mice and humans are anatomically and physiologically difference. For example, while mice don’t speak in the way that humans do, they make ultrasonic vocalizations, which make them similar enough.

The next question that come up after finding a suitable model is finding a way to properly model the disease in question. President Berger-Sweeney studied pervasive developmental disorders, which interrupt normal neural in childhood and require early treatment, particularly an autism spectrum disorder known as Rett syndrome. Autism, by definition, is a genetically and epigenetically influenced disorder that reduces social interaction, communication, and joint attention. Furthermore, in the United States, 1in 110 children are affected, it with four times as many being male. (Schavietz and Berger-Sweeney, 2012). Rett syndrome, more specifically, is a regressively developmental disorder, which mostly affects 1/2000 live births, particularly girls, since boys rarely survive to birth (Katz et al., 2012). The most common symptoms are difficulty with communication and hand wringing/flapping. These girls appear healthy at birth but development slows down at 6-18 months, followed by rapid regression in years 1 to 3, when they exhibit stunted head and physical growth, seizures, and more autistic characteristics. Years 5 to 10 are a period of pseudo-stabilization, while adulthood is tinged with a regression into scoliosis. Few girls survive past age 30, a worrisome trend.

Rett syndrome’s “cause” has been attributed to a transcriptional repressor, methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (Mecp2), which usually blocks the transmission of the gene (Katz et al., 2012). Loss of this repressor means a loss of control over the gene that causes the condition. In 95% of Rett syndrome cases, this loss is caused by a spontaneous mutation on an X chromosome. Unfortunately, at this point in time, Rett syndrome is currently not entirely treatable. However, some nutritional supplements and drugs like choline, Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ACL) and Galantamine butyl-carbamite have allowed for some progression and improvements (Katz et al., 2012). The next step for this research would be to continue experimentation in hopes of finding the ultimate cure.

Unfortunately, with autism affecting 1 girl for every 4 boys (Schavietz and Berger-Sweeney, 2012) and more specifically, Rett Syndrome affecting only 1 in 10,000 girls, (Katz et al., 2012), they are often misdiagnosed, leading to preventable progression (Willingham, 2015). Not to mention, of course, the stigma associated with neurological conditions is amplified in autism with its extremely visible symptoms, worsened by the fact that Rett syndrome affects young girls who are thus bullied and often turn to eating disorders and depression (Willingham, 2015). Talks like the one President Berger-Sweeney presented are important in educating the public and keeping people aware of conditions which plague such helpless children. I know that I, for one, had absolutely no knowledge of Rett Syndrome’s existence before her talk.

President Berger-Sweeney’s talk

Jonah Meltzer

The 15+ years of research presented by President Berger-Sweeney on her work with Rett’s syndrome was both informative and offered insight into current areas of research. During her talk the President focused on the general information about the disease, what it is and how it affects people, as well as more specific information about what the results with a mouse model reported. The disease is classified as an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It affects young children, mostly girls, and manifests itself at around 12-18 months. The mutations occur in the MeCP2 gene, a protein that regulates the transcription of genes. The disorder differentiates itself from other neurodegenerative diseases due to what is known as the “plateau stage”, in which the regression of skills halts and there is no further regression. Later in life however, the affected individuals may re-enter a stage of motor decline later in life and develop parkinsonism-like symptoms. Due to this regression the occurs later in life the average age of a person affected with Rett’s syndrome is around 30 years-old.

President Berger-Sweeney’s talk was a great opportunity to get to know her as a researcher and for the rest of the Trinity community to see her as a neuroscientist. Moreover, it was a nice opportunity to learn about a disorder that is not often mentioned in conversation with the more notable Autism Spectrum Disorders. Ultimately, I was able to learn more about our wildly over-accomplished President, her research related passions, and what it truly means to love the work and research that you do.

Of Mice and Men and Girls and Autism – A lecture by President Berger-Sweeney

Chloe White


In her lecture entitled Of Mice and Men and Girls and Autism, President and
Neuroscience Researcher Joanne Berger-Sweeney spoke of her work looking at neurological
diseases in mice. When using a mouse as a model for a human disorder, she looks for four major
similarities: a mouse that models the symptoms, genetics, chemical changes and brain anatomy
of the human. Specifically, President Berger-Sweeney has studied Rett Syndrome, an autism
spectrum disorder that affects mostly females. Rett Syndrome, a regressive developmental
disorder, causes difficulties in communication and repeated hand-flapping motions. Often, the
Rett Syndrome girls only live until 30 years of age or so. One of the hardest parts about this
disorder is that until approximately 6-18 months, the girls seem neuro-typical until they start to
regress. During a period of rapid regression which occurs between 1-3 years, the girls present as
autistic, and develop habits such as the hand flapping motion. In a pseudo-stabilization period,
the autistic symptoms regress and respiratory problems begin. It’s these respiratory problems that
only allow the girls to live until 30 years.
Although I knew about this syndrome before her lecture, there was a specific detail that
President Berger-Sweeney mentioned that I was unaware of. Rett Syndrome is a syndrome where
the regulation of genes has been lost. This occurs when there’s a problem with a transcriptional
repressor known as Mecp2. Normally, Mecp2 blocks gene transcription. However in this
syndrome, it itself is inhibited so that it can no longer inhibit gene transcription. This causes the
genes to not be regulated enough. Mecp2 is located on the x-chromosome, and is associated with
95% of Rett Syndrome cases. Although this is a very high percentage, it was not enough for
President Berger-Sweeney, so her research continues.
One experiment that President Berger-Sweeney has run on her mice is called the Social
Approach experiment. In this experiment, she monitored how much time mice that modeled a
Rett syndrome like disease chose to spend alone verse with other mice. She hypothesized that
they would be more eager to spend time alone. However, the data she collected did not support
this. Instead, she found that mice spent most of their time with the other mouse (which was in a
cage). When she went to talk to the parents of girls with Rett Syndrome, they stated that the girls
can actually be very sociable. This portrays one of the most important parts about doing research:
you have to take the data as it comes. Although this data initially did not support President
Berger-Sweeney’s research, she could not alter it in any way to support her study. Instead, she
went back to her research and has been conducting more tests in order to find a cure for this