Exercise 7 – How To Lie With Maps

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Map of Diversity in Hartford Area, 2009-10

Map Of Racial Division in Hartford Area, 2009-10

While both maps display the exact same data, the first map is meant to exaggerate diversity and the second is meant to exaggerate racial divisions. The stark difference in appearance was created by manipulating the range of the data (Percent Minority), which is achieved through altering the number of buckets in the fill color options under the “change map feature styles” selection in Google Fusion Tables. By creating more buckets, you break up the range further, allowing for a larger variety in district differences. The opposite is true when the number of buckets is decreased. I also used certain colors to help further amplify the difference in the two maps. The black-white contrast of the racial division map was used to boost the look of clear lines of segregation. On the other hand, the large color scale on the diversity map was meant to emphasize numerous levels of minority presence scattered throughout the region.