No Child Left Behind: How the Federal Government’s Expanded Control Over Public Education Has Compromised Students’ Hopes and Dreams

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As the widening gap between America’s haves and have-nots continues to cast an ominous cloud over a nation that allegedly provides its members with hopes and dreams, the public education system needs to be utilized as a tool capable of curbing income inequality.  Sadly, the pervasive achievement gap that exists in public schools has blackened the integrity of American democracy and directly perpetuates the nation’s grotesque rates of income inequality.    A firm believer in the power of education to transform society, prominent education reformer Horace Mann once said,

When we have spread competence through all the abodes of poverty, when we have substituted knowledge for ignorance in the minds of the whole people, when we have reformed the vicious and reclaimed the criminal, then may we invite all neighboring nations to behold the spectacle, and say to them, in the conscious elation of virtue, ‘Rejoice with me,’ for I have found that which was lost.  (666)

In 1983, the federal government began to take steps toward finding what is “lost” in public schools.  Under the direction of the Regan administration, the National Commission on Excellence in Education evaluated the school system and reported that educational “mediocrity” had put the nation at “risk” (ANAR 113).  In A Nation At Risk (ANAR), the Commission said, “Part of what is at risk is the promise first made on this continent: All, regardless of race or class or economic status, are entitled to a fair chance and to the tools for developing their individual powers of mind and spirit to the utmost” (115).   The Commission’s report and recognition that all children were not getting an equal education garnered national attention, prompting the federal government to craft educational reform strategies that would work toward improving schools and narrowing the achievement gap.  But why and how did the federal government’s authority over the public school system increase? With the release of ANAR, the general public, business leaders, and elected officials looked to the federal government to reform an educational system that was failing students and jeopardizing America’s economic system.  In the 1990’s, the popularity of accountability-based reform measures spread amongst federal government officials and gained momentum with reports of a Texas accountability model that had experienced success in closing the achievement gap. In result, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act was able to pass in 2002, giving the federal government unprecedented control over the functions and operations of the public school system as it mandated that States implement high-stakes testing and create cultures of accountability.

When the eighteen month study of the National Commission on Excellence in Education culminated in the unsettling conclusion that, “the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and people.  What was unimaginable a generation ago has begun to occur—others are matching and surpassing our educational attainments,” educational reform strategies on the federal level started to dominate national discussion (113).  Not only did the Commission report that American students had fallen well behind other industrialized nations on student achievement tests, but over ten percent of seventeen-year-olds were functionally illiterate and high school student’s scores on standardized tests were steadily declining (115).  Furthermore, the Commission recommended that high schools should adopt stronger graduation requirements, increase classroom instruction and administer more homework, and hold teachers to higher standards (25).  It recommended that high schools require all students to complete four years of English, three years of mathematics, three years of science, three years of social studies, and one semester of computer science (27).  Commenting on the principle goals of ANAR, Former assistant secretary of education Diane Ravitch says:

ANAR called for sensible, mainstream reforms to renew and repair our school system.  The reforms it recommended were appropriate to the nature of schools: strengthening the curriculum for all students; setting clear and reasonable high school graduation requirements that demonstrate students readiness for postsecondary education or the modern workplace; establishing clear and appropriate college entrance requirements; improving the quality of textbooks and tests; expecting students to spend more time on schoolwork; establishing higher requirements for new recruits into the teaching profession; and increasing teacher compensation. (30)

When ANAR released its recommendations, public opinion polls showed that mainstream concerns over educational quality had sharply risen.  Business leaders voiced that America’s ability to compete in a global economy would be undermined by the failures of the education system (McDonnel 27).  After all, the Commission said, “The world is indeed one global village.  We live among determined, well-educated, and strongly motivated competitors.  America’s position in the world may once have been reasonably secure with only a few exceptionally well-trained men and women.  It is no longer” (ANAR 14).  While, ANAR revealed the federal government’s rising concern over the well-being of the public school system and how this would impact the economy, its recommendations were developed with the intention that States would use the Report as a framework to guide their own, independent process of educational reform.  The Report advocated for standards-based reform, but it did not require the States to carry out its recommendations.  As the pressure to improve schools became more palpable, the federal governments’ incentive to reform public schools increased.

In the 1990’s, testing and accountability became the focal points of federal education reform plans in America (Ravitch 95). Before this transformation of ideology occurred, both President George H.W. Bush and President Clinton advocated for the creation of a system of national standards, but were unsuccessful in getting legislation passed (95-96).  Despite their failure to get reform measures passed, Bush and Clinton’s plans reflected the federal government’s growing desire to expand its role in public education.  While Bush’s America 2000 program and Clinton’s Goals 2000 program focused primarily on voluntary national standards and tests, a growing number of politicians became intoxicated by the idea that increased accountability would lead to a better school system.  Ravitch says, “In the 1990’s, elected officials of both parties came to accept as secular gospel the idea that testing and accountability would necessarily lead to better schools…It became a ritual for Republicans and Democrats alike to bemoan the lack of accountability in American public education…” (95-96).   These politicians pointed to a successful model of accountability in Texas, where officials claimed that the achievement gap between white and minority students was narrowing, as tangible evidence of the benefits to holding administrators, teachers, and students accountable in schools (96).  The growing popularity of accountability-based reform amongst elected officials, coupled with Texas’ success in raising test scores and graduation rates, led to the passing of NCLB, which gave the federal government unprecedented control over public education and how it operates.

The Bush administration’s NCLB Act contained a host of federal mandates that were all but forced on the States.  While the ANAR report provided the State’s with a template for standards-based reform, NCLB imposed high-stakes testing on the States and in doing so, altered the function of public school curriculums. Highlighting the differences between ANAR and NCLB, Ravitch says, “ANAR envisioned a public school system that offered a rich, well-balanced, and coherent curriculum…NCLB, by contrast, was bereft of any educational ideas.  It was a technocratic approach to school reform that measured ‘success’ only in relation to standardized test scores…” (29).   If a State refused to comply with the mandates laid out by NCLB, they risked losing millions of federally funded dollars for their public schools (29).  Commenting on the unprecedented level of federal involvement in public education, University of Rochester professor David Hursh said, “The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act marks the largest intervention of the federal government into education in the history of the United States” (Hursh).  So what did NCLB actually mandate?  In explaining NCLB, writers from said, “At the core of the No Child Left Behind Act were a number of measures designed to drive broad gains in student achievement and to hold states and schools more accountable for student progress” (  These measures included annual testing for grades three through eight in reading and math.  It also required that States bring one hundred percent of its students to proficiency levels on state tests by 2013-2014 (  If an individual school failed to make “adequate yearly progress” towards the overarching goal of one hundred percent student proficiency in back-to-back years, students would be given the opportunity to attend another public school. If a school continued to fail to make progress, the school would potentially be faced with “governance changes.”    Furthermore, states were required to develop annual report cards that charted student-achievement progress in different schools districts.  Teachers were to be held accountable as well.  Every teacher of a core content area had to be “highly qualified” in the subject matter that he or she taught (  And, in a culture of accountability created through NCLB, public school curriculums were narrowed because of the strong emphasis placed on high-stakes tests that could make or break the futures of both teachers and students.

According to Hursh, NCLB was passed primarily because of its grand promise to provide every American child with a quality education and close the achievement gap between white and minority students (Hursh).  But did NCLB lived up to this promise?   A 2006 study by the Harvard Civil Rights Project found that under NCLB,

Neither a significant rise in achievement, nor closure of the racial achievement gaps is being achieved. Small early gains in math have reverted to the preexisting pattern. If that is true, all the pressure and sanctions have, so far, been in vain or even counterproductive…. On the issue of closing the gap for minority and poor children, a central goal of NCLB, there are also no significant changes since NCLB was enacted. (Hursh)

Not only did NCLB fail to live up to its high expectations, but it also forced teachers to narrow curriculums because of the importance placed on bringing all students to proficiency levels on high-stakes tests (Ravitch 107).  For example, a 2007 report by The Center on Education Policy found that in a nationally represented group of school districts, over sixty percent had increased class time spent on mathematics and reading while over forty percent had reduced the class time spent on science, social studies, and the arts (108).  Six years after Harvard Civil Rights Project’s finding, in a 2012 interview, Ravitch went ever farther in her criticism of NCLB.  She said,

After 10 years of NCLB, we should have seen dramatic progress on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, but we have not. By now, we should be able to point to sharp reductions of the achievement gaps between children of different racial and ethnic groups and children from different income groups, but we cannot…many children continue to be left behind, and we know who those children are: They are the same children who were left behind 10 years ago. (Strauss)

If NCLB has not worked towards eliminating poverty and closing the achievement gap that perpetuates income inequality, how can the public school system be improved moving forward?

Deeply embedded into the minds of many prominent American educational reformers is the redemptive belief that if operated properly, the public education system can provide its citizens with an opportunity to achieve a more perfect society.  For example, in 1848, Horace Mann argued that the greatest combater of social inequality is education.  He said, “Education…beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, — the balance-wheel of the social machinery”  (669).  Sharing Mann’s sentiments on the relationship between education and society, in 1900, reformer John Dewey warned against an unequal educational system, saying, “What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the community want for all of its children.  Any other ideal for our schools is narrow and unlovely; acted upon, it destroys our democracy” (19).  In 1904, President of the National Federation of Teachers Margaret A. Haley said that the “fundamental object of the public school in a democracy” is to “preserve and develop the democratic ideal” (145).   As these educational reformers suggest, the quality of education that children receive has a lasting impact on the quality of democracy they live in.  With this in mind, it becomes clear that the high-stakes tests that currently define and dictate public school curriculums need to be eradicated and replaced with well-balanced curriculums that prepare students to become active participants in American democracy.  Ravitch says, “Tests are necessary and helpful.  But tests must be supplemented by human judgment.  When we define what matters in education only by what we can measure, we are in serious trouble.  When that happens, we tend to forget that schools are responsible for shaping character, developing sound minds in healthy bodies, and forming citizens for our democracy…” (167).  Under the current conditions set forth by NCLB, the American public school system has sadly become an establishment solely concerned with high-stakes tests.   If the federal government wants to positively impact the educational system, it must heed the words of the long-list of above-mentioned reformers and transform public schools into institutions that preserve and extend the democratic ideal that every child deserves to have hopes and dreams.

Works Cited

Dewey, John.  The School and Society.  3rd ed.  Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1900.  University of California Lib.  Hathi Trust Digital Library.  Web. 26 April 2013.

Haley, Margaret. “Why Teachers Should Organize.” National Educational Association. Journal of Addresses and Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting, 145–152. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1904.  University of Illinois Lib.  Hathi Trust Digital Library.  Web.  27 April 2013.

Hursh, David.  “Exacerbating Inequality: The Failed Promise of the No Child Left Behind Act.”  Race Ethnicity and Education 10.3 (2007): 295-308.  Web.  28 April 2013.

Mann, Horace.  Life and Works of Horace Mann.  Ed.  Mary Mann.  Vol. 3.  Boston: Horace B. Fuller, 1868. University of California Lib.  Hathi Trust Digital Library.   Web. 27 April 2013.

McDonnell, Lorraine M.  “No Child Left Behind and the Federal Role in Education: Evolution or Revolution?”  Peabody Journal of Education 80.2 (2005): 19-38.  Web.  28 April 2013.

National Commission on Excellence in Education.  “A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform.” The Elementary School Journal 84.2 (1983): 112-130.  Web.  25 April 2013.

“No Child Left Behind.”  Education Week, 19 Sept. 2011.  Web.  27 April 2013.

Ravitch, Diane.  The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education.  New York: Basic Books, 2010.  Print.

Strauss, Valerie.  “Ravitch: No Child Left Behind and the Damage Done.”  The Washington Post Company.  10 Jan. 2012.  Web.  27 April 2013.






The Myth of Opportunity of Equal Education in America

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On April 18th, 2013, guest lecturer Michael Paris gave a presentation on the “death (and possible life) of school desegregation” in the United States.  His presentation centered on the Connecticut court case of Sheff v. O’Neill, which is surprisingly not as well-known in the public sphere as one might think, especially considering it produced the only recent decision in which the Court made a statement on government’s role in providing its citizens with the right to an equal education.  The plaintiffs in Sheff vs. O’Neill, charged that the combination of racial isolation and concentrated poverty that plagues Hartford, and various other cities in the United States, prohibited urban students from getting the opportunity to an equal education.  In 1995, the Court ruled against the plaintiffs, but just one year later, that ruling was reversed by Connecticut’s Supreme Court in 1996.  The Supreme Court argued that the plaintiffs had the right to an equal education but did not have the right to racial integration in Connecticut schools.  Additionally, the Court did not offer any solutions or recommendations on how to eliminate the unequal educational opportunities that urban students of Connecticut face from early childhood and on.  Since the landmark decision of Sheff v. O’Neill, Connecticut has seen a rise in the popularity of inter-district magnet schools and urban-to-suburban transfer models that aim to give students an equal education and close the achievement gap in the process.  Several interesting questions were raised during Paris’s lecture.  One student asked why magnet schools and urban-to-suburban transfer models were being implemented, but wide-scale reform of the Hartford Public School system was not being used as a means to achieving equal opportunity for citizens.  Also, Trinity College professor Jack Dougherty asked why current educational reform measures have focused more on racial integration than socio-economic integration, the latter being perhaps the most effective tool progressives could use to fix the dire problem of education in America.

Dual Language Presentation At The Learning Corridor

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On Saturday morning, April 13th, members of the Hartford community congregated together at the Learning Corridor to listen to various Connecticut educators discuss the merits of creating a dual-language magnet school in Hartford.  At the beginning of the discussion, Trinity College Professor Andrea Dyrness shared a story with community members that illustrated the negative perception that exists within mainstream American culture concerning bilingual education in schools.  She said that when her daughter enrolled in the Hartford school district, educators were immediately alarmed upon finding out that both English and Spanish were spoken in the Dyrness household.  The school district asked, “Will you daughter need special attention?” While Professor Dyrness thought that the bilingual education her daughter had received at home would be viewed as a strength in the eyes of Hartford educators, it instead, was viewed as a weakness.  But how could this be?  It is this very question that has driven Professor Dyrness and other local educators to push for the creation of dual-language magnet school in Hartford, a school where bilingualism would be openly celebrated, not flat-out disregarded.   Under the conditions of a dual-language school, native English and Spanish speakers would be integrated into an educational program where at least fifty percent of the curriculum would be covered in Spanish.  Presenters stressed that the positive effects of a dual-language system can generally be identified once a Kindergarten class makes its way up to Fifth grade, so a commitment to the long term is imperative.   Not only would students benefit from learning multiple languages and developing an appreciation for differing cultures, but studies have shown that it would also prepare students better for the jobs that lie ahead in our interconnected world.   The presenters and advocates for a bilingual magnet school in Hartford concluded their discussion by challenging the community members in attendance to garner as much support from other citizens as possible, which would put deliberate pressure on the Hartford Board of Education to vote in favor of a dual-language magnet school.     



How do you locate a database of teachers’ contracts for all school districts in Connecticut?

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How do you locate a database of teachers’ contracts for all school districts in Connecticut? Describe your search strategy and summarize differences between Hartford versus any suburb.


Locating a database of teacher’s contracts for all school districts in Connecticut is not as difficult to do as one might think.  I simply inputted “teacher contracts Hartford” into Google’s search engine and the fourth link down was entitled, “Find & Compare Districts – ConnCAN Teacher Contract Database.”  The website,, had information on every school district in Connecticut, from teacher salaries to workday length to the number of sick days that teachers are given.  While the average salaries of teachers in Hartford is comparable to that of the statewide averages, there were some disparities between Hartford teacher salaries and the salaries of teachers in Connecticut’s suburbs.  For example, on the website, you can find out a town’s average teacher salary by checking off the box to the left of the town’s name.  For the search I conducted, I checked off the box to urban Hartford while I also checked off the box to Westport, a more affluent Connecticut suburb.  What I found is that the average Hartford teacher salary is substantially smaller than that of their suburban counterpart.  In Westport, for example, a first-year teacher with a BA makes about $47,000 a year.  A fifth-year teacher brings in around $55,000 a year.  Meanwhile, in Hartford, a first-year teacher with a BA makes slightly less than $43,000 a year while a fifth-year teacher makes just over $50,000 a year.  Even more troubling, the max amount of money a teacher can make in Hartford with a BA is $ 66,000 a year while the max amount of money for a teacher in Westport is $77,000, a whopping $11,000 disparity. So, while you may think that the teacher willing to work in the states most struggling schools would be valued over other teachers, it’s actually just the opposite in Connecticut.  Go figure!


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Steve Goniprow


Education 300


Research Project Proposal



As the widening gap between America’s haves and have-nots continues to cast an ominous cloud over a nation that allegedly provides it’s members with hopes and dreams, how can education be utilized as a tool capable of eradicating income inequality?   More specifically, how has the Obama administration elected to reform the American educational system, a system that is plagued by an achievement gap that directly helps to perpetuate the nation’s grotesque rates of income inequality?  How the Obama administration aims to narrow the achievement gap, and how their plan differs from previous reform efforts, is the question that I wish to explore and hopefully answer with my research project.  I believe that a thorough exploration of the Obama administration’s reform efforts is not only worthy of my research pursuits, but it deserves to be examined because of the rising income gap between working-class and upper-class Americans over the last thirty years.   It is my belief that we can narrow this gap by providing every American with a fair shake at getting a good education, and in doing so, we’ll become a more humane society that other nation’s can learn from in our interconnected world.  In 1848, prominent American education reformer Horace Mann said, “When we have spread competence through all the abodes of poverty, when we have substituted knowledge for ignorance in the minds of the whole people, when we have reformed the vicious and reclaimed the criminal, then may we invite all neighboring nations to behold the spectacle, and say to them, in the conscious elation of virtue, ‘Rejoice with me,’ for I have found that which was lost” (Mann 666).  With Mann’s poignant words in mind, I wish to explore what the Obama administration is doing through educational reform to discover what is lost in this country.                                                                                                   Before Obama took over office in 2008, the Bush administration’s polarizing No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act dominated the educational reform efforts of the early 2000’s.  NCLB expanded the federal government’s role in public education by creating standards with which it would hold schools accountable.  In describing NCLB, writers from said, “At the core of the No Child Left Behind Act were a number of measures designed to drive broad gains in student achievement and to hold states and schools more accountable for student progress” (  These measures included annual testing for grade-school students in mathematics, reading, and science, while states were also required to bring one hundred percent of it’s student to federally defined proficiency levels by 2013-2014 (  If an individual school failed to make “adequate yearly progress” towards the overarching goal of one hundred percent student proficiency in back-to-back years, students would be offered with the opportunity to attend another public school. If a school continued to fail to make federally defined progress, the school would possibly be faced with “governance changes.”    Furthermore, states were required to develop report cards that charted student-achievement progress while qualifications for teachers in core content areas were also raised.  Lastly, NCLB established a competitive grant program called Reading First that focused on bolstering state’s reading programs for grades K-3 (    While many supporters of NCLB praised the bill for placing a greater degree of accountability on states to improve test scores and make “adequate yearly progress,” many critics of the bill protested it’s unrealistic expectation of one hundred percent proficiency by 2013-2014.  NCLB was developed with the intention of helping underprivileged American youths get a better education and a better life, but former U.S. assistant secretary of education Diane Ravitch believes that NCLB has done just the opposite.  In a 2012 interview, she said, “After 10 years of NCLB, we should have seen dramatic progress on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, but we have not. By now, we should be able to point to sharp reductions of the achievement gaps between children of different racial and ethnic groups and children from different income groups, but we cannot…many children continue to be left behind, and we know who those children are: They are the same children who were left behind 10 years ago” (   So if NCLB has not worked towards eliminating poverty and closing the achievement gap that perpetuates income inequality, what has the Obama administration done to address this very serious issue?

The Obama administration’s educational reform efforts have in large part been defined by the Race to the Top program (RTTT).  In describing the goals of the program in a 2009 speech, President Obama said, “We’re going to raise the bar for all our students and take bigger steps towards closing the achievement gap that denies so many students, especially black and Latino students, a fair shot at their dreams.” (   But how would the President do this?  For starters, while NCLB federally mandated that schools make changes, RTTT simply provides schools with the incentive to make changes (   Under RTTT, Congress set aside over four billion dollars for states that are willing to “create robust plans that address the four key areas of K-12 education reform” (  The four key areas of reform that RTTT focuses on involves developing better standards and assessments, adopting better data systems to track student progress, developing support for teachers and school leaders to become more effective, and increasing the amount resources that the lowest-performing schools need to improve (  In conducting research on NCLB and RTTT, I found that and various other websites were most helpful in the research process.  I did not look at any books in the research process although Diane Ravitch’s text that was assigned for Ed 300 would probably have been a valuable source to draw information from for this proposal.




Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. Life And Works of Horace Mann. [Boston: Walker, Fuller and co., 186568.


Strauss, Valerie. “Ravitch: No Child Left Behind and the Damage Done.” Washington

Post. The Washington Post, 10 Jan. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2013.



Web. 06 Apr. 2013.


“Race to the Top.” The White House. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013.


“The White House Blog.” Speeding Up the Race to the Top. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013.


“No Child Left Behind.” Research Center:. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013.