Gray is the New Black: Day 9 – Hraftinnusker to Landmannalaugar

Cassandra and Lauren waiting for the group to get ready.

Cassandra and Lauren waiting for the group to get ready.

group shot in front of the Hraftinnusker hut

group shot in front of the Hraftinnusker hut

We got a late start today. The hut was just a tad crowded and we intended to let the British Army go first. However, they were not the most organized breakfast crowd, so we had plenty of time watching them pack, spill their breakfast over their sleeping bags and finally head out. A few minutes later we followed suit. Jon led us over the pass into the clouds.

off to Landmannalaugar

off to Landmannalaugar

Lia - birthday girl

Lia – birthday girl

It was Lia’s 21st birthday, so we serenaded her on top of the ridge amidst the clouds. I think by that time we had eaten all of the cake, but later that day Cameron gave her “the best birthday present EVER”: a shower in the campground.

one of the many hot springs along the trail

one of the many hot springs along the trail

Soon we passed through the Stórhiver geothermal area and a few snowy ridges later the clouds lifted and we could almost see the hills of Landmannalaugar.

photobombed !

photobombed !

The giant lizard: First view of the lava flows at landmannalaugar

The giant lizard: First view of the lava flows at Landmannalaugar

crazy-colored hills and ...

crazy-colored hills and …

... steam vents in the lava flow

… steam vents in the lava flow

As usual, the last miles took a bit longer than expected, but soon we saw the hut and famous hot springs, passed the hut and set up camp at a big gravel plain. Not the best campsite but FINALLY THERE!

two happy professors

two happy professors

Yes, that really is blue sky in the back!

Yes, that really is blue sky in the back!

The Mountain Mall, two school buses retrofitted into a store with adjacent cafe, did a brisk business with beer and Pringles. Later that afternoon we soaked in the hot springs which made us (almost) forget all the rainy miseries of the previous days.

Yes, the sun did shine for more than twenty minutes!

Yes, the sun did shine for more than twenty minutes!

back to day 8
onward to day 10

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