College Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Interviews at Trinity are a fantastic way to tell [our TrinColl Admissions team] more about yourself, show your personality and passions, and clarify any aspects of your application. Although they are not required, they are strongly recommended for those reasons. Below are some interview Do’s and Don’ts to help you prepare!

Prospective students will most likely interview with one of our trained Student Admissions Associates on campus.


DO send your interviewer a thank you note! It can be a short email or personalized via snail mail. Either way this shows that you paid attention to what we talked about and areĀ a thoughtful person. It’s another way to show your interest in Trinity and communicate with the Admissions staff. Trust me, it makes my day when I receive a thank you note…bonus points if it is handwritten!

DO ask questions and show that you’ve done your homework! It could be something as simple as “where’s your favorite place to eat on campus?” or “why did you pick Trinity?” Any way to thoughtfully engage with your interviewer will help you to stand out in their mind!

DO be able to point to a few things unique to Trinity that you would like to participate in. Whether it be a specific department/major, a couple of extra curricular clubs, or taking advantage of Hartford, interviewers like to see that you are genuinely interested in Trinity and would make the most of your time here!

DO talk about your passions, hobbies, and anything else to help you stand out! Interviewers meet with hundreds of kids every year so having a few special details to make you memorable during reading season will definitely help!


DON’T wear gym shorts…but also don’t feel pressure to wear a three-piece suit.Ā It’s important that you make a good impression and are putting your best foot forward. Of course your outfit will not make or break the interview, but it does reflect how much you care!

DON’T contact the office every two weeks telling us how much you want to come to Trinity. Of course we love your enthusiasm, but make your contact with us meaningful andĀ pertinent!

DON’T forget to call us if you’re going to be late or need to reschedule your interview. We understand that traffic, bad weather, or things at homeĀ can happen unexpectedly and beĀ out of your control! Please just be considerate enough to let the office know!

DON’T be nervous! This is your time to shine! The best interviews are often the ones where the prospective students are confident, comfortable, and personable. Of course your interviewer understands there is a ton of pressure in this moment and it’s okay to make mistakes or not have the perfect answer. But try your best to let your nerves not get in the way of your ability to talk about yourself. If you would feel more comfortable interviewing via Skype or with an alumni outside of the office, contact the Admissions Office!

If you’re looking for more information about the Admissions process, check out our handy AdmissionsĀ FAQs page. We’re here to help. And you can always reach out with any questions via social media.Ā 

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