Women’s Herstory Month: All Things Period Party

In an effort to educate people of all identities, support a local homeless shelter, and end the stigma surrounding menstruation, Women and Gender Resource Action Center (WGRAC), The Bantam Network, and the Trinity College Health and Wellness Initiative hosted an ‘All Things Period Party’ on Tuesday, March 14th in the Rittenberg Lounge (upstairs Mather) for Women’s Herstory Month.

A shimmering red curtain hangs in the doorway. Sign above the door reads "Rittenberg Lounge".
The Rittenberg Lounge decorated for the All Things Period Party.


Two people sitting behind a table with a lime green tablecloth reading "Trinity College Office of Sustainability".
The Office of Sustainability educating students on reusable menstrual solutions.

Snacks were served, and students and staff were set up around the room at various tables – the first of which had a bunch of information from the Trinity College Office of Sustainability, educating attendees about just how much plastic pads and tampons use. They suggest menstrual cups or discs as a solution: they are reusable, and are chemical and plastic free. There was also a raffle for a free menstrual cup! 

At the next table over, there was a Nurse Practitioner from the Health Center educating people about what exactly a pap-smear is (she even let people touch the brush!) and about different contraceptive options. There were take-home baggies with female and male condoms as well as dental dams (protection for oral sex). She was very willing to answer any other questions students had as well.


Students in the Trinity Homelessness Project Club advertising their menstrual product drive.

The Trinity Homelessness Project is putting on a Menstrual Product drive – welcoming physical and venmo (@Anna-Grant-Bolton) donations all of March, and then holding a meal swipe drive on March 31st to support Mercy Shelter in Hartford. There are Menstrual Product Drive boxes in the lobby of Mather, the Underground, the Raether Library lobby, the Community Service Office, and at all Women’s Herstory Month events.

There was also a representative from the Women’s Herstory Month committee, who spoke about the variety of events that are being held for the rest of the month and gave out some free WGRAC merch (sunglasses, bracelets, stickers). 


Student representatives from Trans@Trin and the Queer Resource Center.



A table from Trans@Trin and the Queer Resource Center had two posters, speaking about people who menstruate that don’t necessarily identify as women as well as general period legislation, respectively. Advocating for inclusive language and diving into menstrual equity bills, it was really moving to see how many people are impacted by periods in one way or another. 



A Trinity College Athletic Trainer puts a student through a period cramp pain simulator.




The last table, and in my opinion the most intriguing, was a period ‘pain’ simulator that a few athletic trainers from Trinity were monitoring. Some attendees sat down and were able to somewhat experience what many people go through on a monthly basis – it definitely seemed to give them a new appreciation for cramps!





There are plenty more events being hosted this Women’s Herstory Month, and the full list is below! You can find out more details from WGRAC or the Bantam Network, as well as the story highlight ‘This Wk @ Trin’ on the Trinity College Instagram! 

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