Life at Trin as an International Student, with Lily Taylor-French ’23

Home to a large international student community, Trinity has always strived to create a welcoming environment for those studying far away from their home countries. The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) is the spearhead in connecting international students on campus. In this interview, we speak with recent grad, Lily Taylor-French ’23, about her experiences as an international student at Trinity and advice she has for incoming international students.


Lily (center) playing on the Trinity Women’s Squash team.

Can you share a little bit about yourself?

My name is Lily Taylor-French and I am from the UK and Italy. I’m a recent graduate and I majored in economics with a minor in philosophy.

What are your plans now after graduation?

I will be continuing to play squash as a professional in New York.

How did you find Trinity campus culture and the American way of life different or similar from your home? How did you adjust?

The U.S. culture is very different from Europe and it took me a while to adjust – especially to the harsh winters and new terminology! I found that the international student orientation really eased my transition to college life and provided me with a lot of useful workshops. I met some of my closest friends during this program and we made so many fun memories together.

Were you involved with any cultural clubs or organizations in Trinity?

Trinity College Women’s Squash Team

I was a member of the Women’s Squash Team which has been an unmatched experience. Our team is made up of 90% international students who represent every corner of the world. Our team had an undefeated main season this year and finished 2nd in the National Championship after narrowly losing to Harvard in the final. I also worked in the Admissions Office and in Athletics Communications. I also worked as an International Student Mentor and in my final year, I joined the Trinity College Student Investment Fund in their Women in Finance group.


How do you find the international community on campus? What are the ways that you connect with your culture and background while being on campus?

I love how diverse the international community is at Trinity. We represent so many different countries and each brings a unique aspect to our community. OISS hosts so many different events to make us feel like home, as well as encourage us to explore other cultures through performances, food, different holiday celebrations, and talent shows.

How has the Office of International Student (OISS) assisted you during your time here?

Katie Clair (International Student Advisor) and Maria Dyane (International Student Program Coordinator) are incredible and are such reliable and knowledgeable individuals. They are the backbone of our support system as international students. They can answer any question we have and are like our parents away from home! They host so many events, workshops, and get-togethers–like international coffee hour.

Lily (left) with friends on the Main Quad.

If you could give one piece of advice to an international student considering attending Trinity, what would it be?

Take the jump! It can seem daunting but lean on your support network and it will all pay off. You’ll have an unforgettable time here and meet some amazing people. Don’t forget to bring something that reminds you of home such as photos or snacks. Participate in as much as you can here. Join clubs, sports teams, cultural groups, get an on-campus job or internship!


Rapid fire questions:

  • Best cultural event at Trinity?  Salsarengue or The International Food Festival.
  • One thing you brought with you from home?  PG Tips Tea.
  • Favorite OISS activity?  International Coffee Hour!!!

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