Firebox Restaurant

Last week I had the opportunity of eating at the Firebox Restaurant on Broad Street with my family. Although I had never eaten at Firebox I had heard a great deal about it from others in the community and its story from Professor Myers. I’ve found it difficult to locate strong quality restaurants that are within walking distance of the Trinity Campus. I was extremely impressed with my entire dining experience and it was great to learn about the restaurant from our server and staff.  Firebox is a unique restaurant because it offers high quality and locally sourced food, but also supports the local community. My server explained that their restaurant was created by the Melville Charitable Trust as a way to support inner Hartford. Not only was their goal to donate proceeds to the Frog Hollow neighborhood, they sought to create jobs, and improve the overall attractiveness of the surrounding area.  Furthermore, they support the Farm to Table movement and serve all locally-grown, organic food products. I’ve never been to a restaurant that was essentially “non-profit” but also completely organic.

The food was expensive but I was appeased by the fact that the proceeds would be utilized for benefit of the area around me. As a college athlete and someone who tries to eat healthy and organic foods, the Firebox was an excellent choice. It reminded me of a similar fresh, farm-style restaurant near my home town called River Tavern. I chose to order the Brussel sprouts and the chicken, and both ended up being tasty options. Although the food was excellent, I was most impressed by the staff- and their definitive knowledge about the mission of the restaurant and its origins. I believe that Hartford needs more small, grass-root type restaurants like the Firebox, that will not only enhance Hartford’s pallet but assist the individuals in our community. Because of the price I can’t say that I’ll be there that often, but I’ll be sure to choose it as an option when my parents come to visit!

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