
Create your own local shopping street project!

Let’s keep the discussion going! We invite readers to create their own global cities/local shops research project. Find out the history, interview storeowners, make observations on who uses the street by day or by night. Collect photos, maps, videos, data and upload them to a web site. You can send us a few photos a short description of your street, plus URL’s of any web sites and videos you have created and we will post these material and links here.

Sharon, Phil, and Xiangming


One thought on “Discussion

  • January 10, 2017 at 12:59 am

    Dear Sharon, Phil and Xiangming,

    In the middle of our art/research project about the shoppingstreet Kinkerstraat in Amsterdam we found out about you longterm research project Global cities local streets? Wonderful and exiting to read that there is research done on the subject shopping streets, the local, the global. Currently we are in the proces of making an exhibition of our research street Kinkerstraat to present our findings. Planning is spring 2017 to have our exhibition in Amsterdam. We made photo’s, observations, indexed the history of the shops. Myself I am educated at geographer and visual artist and i work together with a urban geographer. Our independent project started since we both live in the neighbourhood of this street in the West of Amsterdam and noticed the rapid change the last years. Old shops close and mostly restaurants, coffee cafes are replacing them (very short version of our observations). We work on a public program for the exhibition and would love to get in touch with the Amsterdam researchers who contributed to the book. If they are working in the Netherlands we would like to invite them for a planned panel discussion during the exhibtion. Or a skype conversation with Sharon Zukin would be wonderful. Kind regards, Eva Pel


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