The Phoenix Bean

During spring break, I went home to Telluride, Colorado and spent a lot of time at the recently reopened coffee shop called The Phoenix Bean, formerly known as The Steaming Bean.  Telluride is an extremely small town in Southwest Colorado, with a population of about 2,000 people.  The Phoenix Bean is a cafe, and is one of (if not the only) place in town to get coffee and actually sit down with it.  It was recently renovated (hence the name “Phoenix Bean”) and is essentially unrecognizable from its old form.  The old Bean was full of old, sunken in couches and many different light fixtures, and gave off a comfortable, hippy-like vibe.  On the other hand, the new Bean is tastefully decorated, with no couches and with only one type of light fixture.  After seeing the change firsthand, I definitely feel as though this space has been gentrified to some extent.  The old Bean was almost dilapidated in a way, while the new Bean is extremely put together.  The menu at the new Bean is extensive but also extremely expensive; there are various Mediterranean snacks on the menu but they are all over $15 each. This new cafe definitely caters more to the wealthy tourists than to the average local.  After learning more about gentrification through Global Cities, Local Streets, I can better understand these processes that are happening in my own hometown.

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