Merging the help desk and circulation desk operations has proven to be both challenging and rewarding, but we are finally getting into the groove of things and feeling like a single unit at the Information Services Desk! Many may know us as staffed by team members whose previous expertise was limited to either library circulation or help desk services, but that is changing as we continue to cross-train and hire new team members.

The newest employee to join our team is Catherine Simpson, who fills the role of Public Services Specialist here at the Information Services Desk. Catherine performs a variety of tasks, working collaboratively with staff and students, and providing excellent, friendly service. Together, our unit continues to strive for overall improvement of services, and we are constantly evaluating the ways in which we operate day-to-day. Our main goal is to assist Trinity community members in every way possible, and we aim to achieve this goal by offering excellent customer service, building a great team of students and staff, continuously learning and being the best we can be. Feel free to stop by our desk to say hello, meet our new team member, Catherine, or just to challenge us with any questions you may have!