Our Sixties book cover

Our Sixties, by Paul Lauter

The Trinity  College and Watkinson Libraries were honored on April 20, 2020 to host (virtually via Zoom) Paul Lauter, Allan K. and Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of Literature, Emeritus, at Trinity College.  To put it mildly, Paul led an interesting life in the 1960’s, when he was “fired, busted, published, and tenured .”As many have requested, we are happy to provide a link to his talk.  Listening to Paul talk about how literature and archives influenced his thinking about civil rights, while simultaneously hearing the Chauvin verdict in the murder of George Floyd, was a moment that many of us will not forget.

We have prepared a guide  where you will find material related to the talk, especially about Paul’s archives at the Watkinson.

Paul Lauter’s book, Our Sixties, An Activists History, was published by the University of Rochester Press in October 2020.