For those who remember, and might miss, the shelves of popular magazines sold by the checkout counter at the grocery store, or rows upon rows at brick-and-mortar bookstores like Barnes and Noble, we can see many of them again through our popular magazine databases.
The magazines are all digitized and searchable, with downloadable PDFs that, while not the glossy paper of the printed originals, bring out the vibrant colors, images, and advertisements of a physical magazine.
Some of our magazine databases include:
- EBSCO Magazine Archives with access to titles including Time, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, The Atlantic. Coverage for these titles usually begin at the first issue published.
- Women’s Magazine Archive with access to titles like Cosmopolitan, Essence, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and more. Coverage ranges from the late-19th century through to the early 21st century.
- Vogue Magazine Archive with the full issues of the American version of Vogue from 1892 to the present.
- Jet Magazine Archive with issues from 1951 to 2014.
- Rolling Stone Archive with issues from 1967 to the present.
All of our magazine databases are listed on our Library Databases A-Z list.
Check out the list to start your research into social, cultural, economic and literary history as told through these popular magazines!