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We have access to early newspapers from the 17th and 18th centuries up to, and including, the present day!
Current Trinity students, faculty and staff may also activate a free subscription, or access, current content from these major newspapers via the following links:
- Financial Times. Click the “Join now” button to set up your access through Trinity’s group subscription.
- New York Times. Create an account using your institutional email and then login with your new nytimes.com credentials. Faculty and staff must re-register every four years. Students have access until graduation. Once an account is created, access is via https://www.nytimes.com/.
- Wall Street Journal (WSJ.com). Site license to the website WSJ.com. Individual registration is required. Once you’ve has activated a WSJ account, you may sign into the account from anywhere by visiting WSJ.com directly or downloading the WSJ app. Faculty & staff must refresh activation yearly; students must provide year of graduation.
- Washington Post. No registration is required. Provides last 5 years of content.