Increasing Cue-Intention Relatedness Instructions

This 30-minute test consists of ten cues and commands that increase in unrelatedness and time inconsistency. The first commands that are in bold are associated with time values when the examiner is supposed to tell the examinee the cue and command. The times that are in italics are when the examinee is expected to perform the command. The times when the examiner is supposed to tell the examinee the cue and command increase in three-minute intervals, except for the first three items. The times when the examinee is expected to perform these commands increase in inconsistent intervals.

To perform this test, you will need an envelope, a pen, a blank sheet of paper, colored pencils, a book, a piece of candy, a cup, and a drawing. The examinee will be doing a crossword puzzle while the examiner is administering the test. Before starting the test, the examiner should introduce themselves and tell the examinee their age.