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  1. Hi Nikki, this is an excellent project and presentation. I was curious if you had any thoughts on whether the COVID-19 pandemic would potentially have any long term effects? Do you think the increase in substance abuse as a result of the pandemic may shift the concept of maturing out?

  2. Nikki,
    Thank you for sharing your presentation and poster! I think it’s really interesting that you looked at graduates and how they are coping with the pandemic in relation to substance use. This research is incredibly relevant given that we are about to graduate from Trinity in just a few short days. I hope this study is continued with graduates for years to come. I think it could be really informative for mental health and substance use resources and support. Your poster is very well designed, visually appealing, and easy. to follow. Your presentation was also very clear and compelling. Great job, I really enjoyed learning more about your research. Congratulations on a well written thesis!

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