Julie Mancuso Gionfriddo ’96, M’05

Volunteer Spotlight

by James Sargent

Julie GionfriddoJulie Mancuso Gionfriddo ’96, M’05 has maintained her ties to Trinity College since she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics. As she grew professionally, so grew her bond with Trinity and its community of students and alumni.

Today, as a vice president in the private equity group of Simsbury, Connecticut-based Landmark Partners and a member of the Founder’s Council of Trinity’s Women’s Leadership Council, she works at the nexus of the Trinity community and the world of private equity as a proponent for women, especially Trinity alumnae, considering careers in her field.

Gionfriddo quickly points to economics professors Diane Zannoni and the late Manijeh Zavareei as major influences on her academic and professional career.

“Having female professors was great,” says Gionfriddo. “There weren’t many women in the economics program when I was there. I don’t know that I put my finger on it or knew then that it made a difference, but looking back, it made a huge difference.”

As an undergraduate, Gionfriddo spent a semester in Vienna, Austria, studying eastern European economies at the Austro-American Institute of Education. She calls the experience invaluable and encourages all undergraduates to take advantage of the study-away opportunities that the College offers.

“Trinity afforded me the opportunity to study abroad, and a lot of the work that I do with investors is not local–it’s global,” she says. “That semester abroad was a great experience as an undergrad to carry with me into the real world.”

Gionfriddo’s career at Landmark and involvement in Trinity’s alumni community have followed similar trajectories, beginning right after her 1996 graduation. She joined Landmark as an analyst fresh out of Trinity. Meanwhile, she served her alma mater as an alumni interviewer assisting with the undergraduate admissions process.

She has remained involved with the College over the years, participating in career panels in Hartford and New York, staying connected with her teammates from Trinity’s swim team, and maintaining her Trinity connections around the country and around the globe as she rose to associate, senior associate, and eventually vice president. A few years into her career, Gionfriddo returned to Trinity, earning her master’s degree in economics in 2005. Today, she is a leader both in her profession and among her fellow Bantams.

Francisco Borges ’74, chairman and CEO of Landmark Partners, confirmed the value that Gionfriddo brings to her work as well as to the College.

“Julie has a strong fondness for Trinity and has remained connected to the school. That’s good for the College, and it’s good for us [at Landmark],” says Borges, himself a recipient of Trinity’s Alumni Medal for Excellence and the Trinity Club of Hartford Person of the Year award. “She has been a very engaged part of the Landmark community and the Trinity alumni community.”

While rising through the ranks at Landmark Partners, Gionfriddo has advocated for women seeking internships and considering the field of private equity. To this end, she serves on the Board of Directors of the Women’s Association of Venture and Equity. This work is something she hopes to continue with the College’s Women’s Leadership Council.

“As I’ve grown in my career, I’ve realized how few women there are in private equity,” she says. “I look forward to the Women’s Leadership Council at Trinity being a lasting activity for me.”