Hartford-area artist Chris “Tris” Baskerville, right, talks with Tiana Sharpe ’23, president of Trinity’s Nest Artists, during “Portraits: A Black Modern Experience,” one of several on-campus events celebrating Black History Month in February. The event featured an exhibition—curated by Sharpe and Lucemy Perez ’21, a graduate student in American studies—of Baskerville’s hand-drawn portraits of influential and famous Black individuals, including author James Baldwin and musician Stevie Wonder. Baskerville also worked on a portrait of musician Kendrick Lamar while interacting with attendees. Held in the Rittenberg Lounge, the event was staged in partnership with a Mather Art Space reception for The Flag Project, an annual exhibition by the Women and Gender Resource Action Center (WGRAC) of photos of individual Trinity community members posing with the flag that represents their home country, their heritage, or their identity. Silvia Nuñez ’22, who co-founded The Flag Project in 2018, said the joining of the two events made sense, with both projects focusing on diversity.
Photos by Nick Caito