Cornelia Center connections

Sol LeWitt painting
Photo by Nick Caito

The spring semester brought big changes to Trinity College’s Career and Life Design Center, which relocated from the admissions building to the Cornelia Center (formerly Vernon Social), where an iconic Sol LeWitt work, at left, still acts as a welcoming beacon to the space.

As the Career and Life Design Center continues its mission of empowering students and graduates to be active agents in designing their careers, it serves as a new hub for student-centered activity, with a renovated area featuring a welcome desk and 15 new offices, one of which is occupied by Trinity’s Student Government Association (SGA).

The Career and Life Design Center changed its name from the Center for Student Success and Career Development in spring 2021 to reflect the philosophy that there’s more to navigating a lifelong career path than landing a first job out of college. “We’ve moved away from career advising and more toward career coaching,” said Executive Director of Career and Life Design Joe Catrino. “We want to advise students, but we want them to own this process and become informed decision-makers about their paths.”

The Cornelia Center is named in honor of Cornelia Parsons Thornburgh ’80, who served for 17 years on the Trinity College Board of Trustees—including seven years as its first female board chair—until retiring from the board in 2021.

For more about Trinity’s Career and Life Design Center, please visit