Bibliography of Indian Secularism

– Bhargava, Rajeev . The Distinctiveness of Indian Secularism. University of Delhi.

– Birodkar, Sudheer. Hindu History – Religious Tolerance and Secularism in India.

– Engineer, Asghar Ali. 2006. Secularism in India. The Milli Gazette Online. (

– Ganguly, Sumit. 2003. The Crisis of Indian Secularism. Journal of Democracy, Volume 14, Number 4, October 2003, pp.11-25.

– Kesavan, Mukul. 2003. India’s Embattled Secularism, The Wilson Quarterly 27 no1 Winter 2003. P.61-67.

– Marbaniang, Domenic. 2005, 2009. Secularism in India: A Historical Outline. Online Progressive Version #2.

– Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney (Editor, Contributor) 2007 The Crisis of Secularism in India [Paperback]. Rajeswari Sunder Rajan (Editor, Contributor), Shabnum Tejani (Contributor), Paula Richman (Contributor), V. Geetha (Contributor), Sunil Khilnani (Contributor), Ashis Nandy (Contributor), Nivedita Menon (Contributor)

– Pantham, Thomas. 1997. Indian Secularism and Its Critics: Some Reflections. The Review of Politics, Vol. 59, No. 3, Non-Western Political Thought pp. 523-540 Stable URL:

– Shuja, Sharif. 2005. Indian Secularism: Image and Reality. Contemporary Review, 287 Journal 2005.

– Stephens, Robert J. 2007. Sites of Conflict in the Indian Secular State: Secularism, Caste and Religious Conversion. Journal of Church State, 49 no2 Spring 2007.

– Tejani, Shabnum. 2008. Indian Secularism: A Social and Intellectual History, 1890-1950. Indiana: Indiana University Press.

– Upadhyaya, Prakash Chandra. 1992. The Politics of Indian Secularism. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Oct. 1992), pp. 815-853.

– Warrier, Maya. 2003. Processes of Secularization in Contemporary India: Guru Faith in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp. 213-253

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