The Scientific Study of Secularism

Interview with Barry Kosmin in Point of Inquiry (Dec. 1, 2006).
In this discussion with D.J. Grothe, he details the scientific study of religion and secularism, the “secularization hypothesis,” religious diversity in contemporary America, and the rise of the nonreligious in recent years. He also explores the relationship between science and secularism.
Barry Kosmin is Research Professor in the Public Policy & Law Program at Trinity College and Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture

One Nation, Losing God

Interview with Barry Kosmin in Free Inquiry (Dec. 31, 2010).

Barry Kosmin is the nation’s leading expert on the “nones,” a group
that he studies through the ARIS, or American Religious Identification Survey. In this episode of Point of Inquiry, he discusses where America is heading with respect to its religious identity, why this change is occurring, and what the implications will be for secular advocacy in the future.
Barry A. Kosmin is Research Professor in the Public Policy & Law Program at Trinity College and Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture

Secularism Bibliography

Curated by Phil Zuckerman

  1. The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, Michael Martin
  2. An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism, Gordon Stein
  3. The Bible Losing Faith in Faith, Dan Barker
  4. The Atheist Manifesto, Michel Onfray
  5. The Jesus Mysteries, Freke and Gandy
  6. The Jesus Puzzle, Earl Doherty
  7. Secret Origins of the Bible, Tim Callahan
  8. Celsus: On the True Doctrine The Essence of Christianity, Ludwig Feuerbach
  9. Putting Away Childish Things, Uta Ranke-Heineman
  10. Secularism and Secularity, Kosmin and Keysar
  11. Letters From Earth, Mark Twain
  12. On the Gods and Other Essays, Robert Ingersoll
  13. The Case Against Christianity, Michael Martin
  14. Faces in the Clouds, Stewart Guthrie
  15. The Sacred and the Secular, Norris and Inglehart
  16. Invitation to the Sociology of Religion, Phil Zuckerman
  17. Who Wrote the New Testament? Berton Mack
  18. The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man, Robert Price
  19. God: The Failed Hypothesis, Victor Stenger
  20. Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, D. Persuitte
  21. The Secularization Debate, Swator and Olson
  22. The Death of Christian Britain, C. Brown
  23. The Sacred Canopy, Peter Berger
  24. Atheists, Hunsberger and Altemeyer
  25. Freethinkers, Susan Jaconby
  26. God is Dead, Steve Bruce
  27. Awakening of a Jehovah’s Witness, Diane Wilson
  28. How we Believe, Michael Shermer
  29. The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan
  30. The Born Again Skeptic’s Guide to the Bible, Ruth H. Green
  31. The Cheese and the Worms, C. Ginzburg
  32. The Quest for the Historical Muhammad, Ubn Warraq
  33. Why I am not a Muslim, Ibn Warraq
  34. The Sociology of Religion, Malcolm Hamilton
  35. No Man Knows my History, Fawn Brodie
  36. One Religion, Marx and Engels
  37. The Natural History of Religion, David Hume
  38. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, David Hume
  39. Natural Atheism, David Eller
  40. Anything by Madeleine Murray O’Hare

Bibliography of Indian Secularism

– Bhargava, Rajeev . The Distinctiveness of Indian Secularism. University of Delhi.

– Birodkar, Sudheer. Hindu History – Religious Tolerance and Secularism in India.

– Engineer, Asghar Ali. 2006. Secularism in India. The Milli Gazette Online. (

– Ganguly, Sumit. 2003. The Crisis of Indian Secularism. Journal of Democracy, Volume 14, Number 4, October 2003, pp.11-25.

– Kesavan, Mukul. 2003. India’s Embattled Secularism, The Wilson Quarterly 27 no1 Winter 2003. P.61-67.

– Marbaniang, Domenic. 2005, 2009. Secularism in India: A Historical Outline. Online Progressive Version #2.

– Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney (Editor, Contributor) 2007 The Crisis of Secularism in India [Paperback]. Rajeswari Sunder Rajan (Editor, Contributor), Shabnum Tejani (Contributor), Paula Richman (Contributor), V. Geetha (Contributor), Sunil Khilnani (Contributor), Ashis Nandy (Contributor), Nivedita Menon (Contributor)

– Pantham, Thomas. 1997. Indian Secularism and Its Critics: Some Reflections. The Review of Politics, Vol. 59, No. 3, Non-Western Political Thought pp. 523-540 Stable URL:

– Shuja, Sharif. 2005. Indian Secularism: Image and Reality. Contemporary Review, 287 Journal 2005.

– Stephens, Robert J. 2007. Sites of Conflict in the Indian Secular State: Secularism, Caste and Religious Conversion. Journal of Church State, 49 no2 Spring 2007.

– Tejani, Shabnum. 2008. Indian Secularism: A Social and Intellectual History, 1890-1950. Indiana: Indiana University Press.

– Upadhyaya, Prakash Chandra. 1992. The Politics of Indian Secularism. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Oct. 1992), pp. 815-853.

– Warrier, Maya. 2003. Processes of Secularization in Contemporary India: Guru Faith in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp. 213-253

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