We are officially five days away from the Walk!
These weeks are devoted to making sure the event runs smoothly. Volunteers will be contacted with instructions for their assignments, we requested petty cash this afternoon, goody bag stuffing is arranged for later this week, and we gathered various items for the day of the event: banners, signs, shirts, hats, candy, face painting supplies, temporary tattoos, etc. There is so much to do, and I am so thankful that Christina is in the office all the time to take care of things I can’t!
Christina and I are going to arrive at Rentschler Field at 7 AM on Sunday (that will be a fun day-after-Halloween!) and the rest of the staff will arrive at 8. I still have to put together a contact list for exhibitors and others providing services or donating food at the event, so I have quite a busy day on Thursday as well. The rest of the day on Thursday, we will pack up the supplies and make sure things are in order for Sunday.
I also just learned that we are probably going to miss out on around 100 registrants this year due to some large teams from last year that are not going to be present this weekend. That’s a little disappointing, but we are all set on the financial side of things, so I’m sure it will be a great event nonetheless!